Having a Birthday Ball

I know there are many that view birthdays as a nuisance, unavoidable reminders that we are constantly growing older and inching toward senility at a steady rate. While I acknowledge that I too am aging every day, I don’t see the point in mourning the inevitable. That’s why I choose to see birthdays as a celebration of life rather than just another step toward the grave.

This was the amazing cake my friend Robyn made.
The amazing cake my friend Robyn made
Big Max getting a few wallyball pointers
Big Max getting a few wallyball pointers
My sister-in-law Simone chilling
My sister-in-law Simone chilling

Since Jason shares my take on birthdays and my enthusiasm for revelry, that sweet boy planned a splendid birthday party in my honor. The festivities were held at My Noah’s, a business that rents rooms for such activities. Jason rented two rooms: a wallyball court and a combo ping pong/billiards room. These rooms were connected, making meandering easy. It was a great party! I enjoyed hanging with all my buddies and challenging them to wallyball and ping pong. (I’m far too horrible at pool to represent even a meager challenge in that department.) The wallyball competition was fierce, my swollen wrist and hand can attest to that, but I had a marvelous time. Thanks to all of you who attended and thanks to my awesome husband for scheming up the event!

The Reeds catching some pong
The Reeds catching some pong
Greg the paddle king
Greg the paddle king
Cindy and Wee
Cindy and Wee
Tom and Aimee
Tom and Aimee

It was a great way to commemorate another year of life! After all, I may be one more year older but it was a year full of grand adventures, good friends, and joyous memories; so what do I have to complain about?

Me and Jas
Me and Jas
Some of the boys...no that
Some of the boys...no that's not a chubby girl on the end, that's my brother with some sort of fancy baby pouch.
Me and Robyn with the fantastic cake she made
Me and Robyn with the fantastic cake she made