Summer and Snow

Jason and I went snowshoeing up American Fork Canyon on one of our favorite biking trails recently. It was strange to see those well-known hillsides transformed from a dense growth of leafy underbrush and gracefully attired aspens to a landscape dominated by dark hued pines in a frosty sea of powdery snow. The scene seemed alien and familiar at the same time; kind of like the face of a good friend that you haven’t seen for a while and you find surprisingly altered since you last met.

Here I am
Here I am hiking up the Pine Hollow trail.

We trekked up to one of my favorite spots in the canyon, a large meadow that I have lingered in during many biking outings. It was almost as lovely swathed in windswept untracked snow as it is in the spring when lush grasses adorn it.

Jason in a very pictereque
Jason in the very picturesque meadow that I love.

We quite enjoyed ourselves…though Jason did complain periodically about his “aching calves” as we climbed one hill after another. But his wimpy muscles couldn’t squelch the joy of blue skies, fresh air, and gorgeous views.

Gotta love those Utah mountains! They are beautiful in any season!