The Goose Girl

I just finished a great set of novels, known as the Books of Bayern, by Shannon Hale. (They are also called the Goose Girl series but that makes them sound like children’s books, which they are not.) My sister recommended that I read this four book set and I’m glad I did.

Forest Born: the last book in the series

Although these novels were written with the girly teenage masses in mind they lack the melodramatic adolescent angst you often find in other novels meant for this age group; instead of petty drama you will find enough action, romance, and magic to entertain just about any audience. These great coming of age stories are packed with superhuman powers, epic battles, unrequited love, requited love, dark secrets, assassination attempts, and mistaken identities. The first and last books of the series were probably my favorite, and the second one my least, but they all had their merits. I would recommend these fun and light reads to anyone that wants to get sucked into a fantastical world where armies get burned alive, revenge is elaborately weaved, and attractive young women dish out punishment like it was the Groupon deal of the day.

But you don’t have to take my word for it.