Oh Snap!

Those of you who have been around me for any extent of time understand that I am prone to excessive picture taking. I’ve always been a big fan of immortalizing life’s moments through photographs so when Jason bought me an SLR camera for Valentine’s Day this year I was thrilled. However, I didn’t want to be one of “those people.” You know, the people that get a fancy camera because it’s “fancy” but use it like a point-and-shoot because they have no idea how to operate it. Thus, to prevent wasting a wonderful piece of technology, I signed up for an SLR class this summer at a local university. I learned an unbelievable amount about using my SLR and about photography in general through just six short weeks of instruction. Picturific!

I’m quite comfortable with my big hunk of lens delight now but I find myself perpetually in the middle of a shooting dilemma. I can take much better pictures with my SLR, however, it’s bulky so do I lug that immense and inconvenient camera around or carry my compact and not so wonderful one? I have to resolve that inner conflict every time I cart a camera anywhere these days.

Below are some of my favorite pictures I took while experimenting for my class. None of them have undergone any editing whatsoever in Photoshop or any other shop. While their web versions don’t really do the originals justice, they’ll still give you a feel for the picture magic even a novice can create with a little knowhow.

I used a technique called panning to create this photo. Basically, you put your camera on a slow shutter speed and follow the movement of whatever is in motion. This makes everything else in the photo blurry except the moving object and produces the illusion of great speed.
I used a technique called panning to create this photo. Basically, you put your camera on a slow shutter speed and follow the movement of whatever is in motion. This makes everything else in the photo blurry except the moving object and produces the illusion of great speed.
These blooms may have been on their last leg but I still love the colors and details of this picture.
These blooms may have been on their last leg but I still love the colors and details of this picture.
Sunset is a fantastic time to shoot pictures because the light is much warmer and richer.
Sunset is a fantastic time to shoot pictures because the light is much warmer and richer.
I didn’t actually take this picture since I am in it but I set everything up on the camera so all Jason had to do was push the button.
I created this ghostly photo of a fountain by slowing my shutter speed down to two seconds.
I created this ghostly photo of a fountain by slowing my shutter speed down to two seconds.
This is the exact same shot as the one above only I changed my shutter speed to a mere fraction of a second, thus freezing the motion of the water.
This is the exact same shot as the one above only I changed my shutter speed to a mere fraction of a second, thus freezing the motion of the water.
I may be a little biased but I think Jason + the Jordan RIver made for some fantastic pictures.
I may be a little biased but I think Jason + the Jordan River made for some fantastic pictures.
A slow shutter speed turned the motion of my running buddies with their glow sticks into a color trip.
A slow shutter speed turned the motion of my running buddies with their glow sticks into a color trip. Notice that they have no bodies.
My niece Abigail was happy to be the subject of some of aperture experiments.
My niece Abigail was happy to be the subject of some of my aperture experiments.
Although this is just a picture of a statue's hand, the textures, lighting and hues intrigue me.
Although this is just a picture of a statue’s hand, the textures, lighting and hues intrigue me.
The Reeds are some of my favorite ladies. I wanted to capture the girly energy of our night out and I think I succeeded.
The Reeds are some of my favorite ladies. I wanted to capture the girly energy of our night out and I think I succeeded.
I panned while taking this picture of my nephew running.
I panned while taking this picture of my nephew running.
Clearly, this was another instance where I setup the camera but did not click the button.
Clearly this was another instance where I setup the camera but did not click the button.
By tweaking the aperture, which is the pupil of the camera, you can make backgrounds fuzzy and put extra emphasis on your subject.
By tweaking the aperture, which is the pupil of the camera, you can make backgrounds fuzzy and put extra emphasis on your subject.

I can guess what some of you are thinking right now, specifically you cheap someones, and yes, I would be willing to take pictures of you or your family for your Christmas cards and whatnot. And no, I would not charge you for my services. (Assuming I like you enough.) Though I would expect excessive gratitude.

I plan on continuing my photo education with additional classes and more practice. I’m always ready to snap!