Back to School

A few weeks ago I randomly heard from a high school buddy of mine, Missie, that I hadn’t talked to in almost a decade. She was traveling to Utah on some family business and wanted to get together. I was all for a little catch up. I decided to organize a meeting between not just the two of us but a couple of our other high school chums as well. While this arranging took a lot more calling and texting back and forth than I had anticipated, all that communication and miscommunication eventually ended with success and an overdue reunification.

While only a fraction of our "gang" was present, it was still great to catch up with old friends.
While only a fraction of our “gang” was present, it was still great to catch up with old friends.

Missie hadn’t changed much in the last ten years. She was still her cheery and direct self. As for the rest of us, we may have gained a few pounds, gray hairs and kids since high school but, under those accumulations, I’d say that we’re pretty much the same quirky individuals we’ve always been…plus or minus a little maturity. And, speaking of maturity, our togetherness seemed to revive a few of our discarded adolescent tendencies, which explains the many exaggerated expressions Cameron concocted for the camera that night.

The return of high school friends means the return of high school habits.
The return of high school friends means the return of high school habits.

It was great to see a friend from my youth that I’ve been disconnected from for quite a while. And although I hang out with Cam and Jim on a pretty regular basis, their conversation and antics completed the nostalgia and jollity of this reunion. I’m glad our wee group got to do some reminiscing and updating. Yeah for enduring friendships!