Taking Birthdays to the Max
Frankly speaking, I believe I have the best husband in the world. As cheesy as that assertion may sound, I mean it with total sincerity. No one who has had the privilege of having Jason as a spouse would disagree, which is a good thing because, otherwise, I’d just be arguing with myself. Only the most fabulous of birthday celebrations could satisfactorily commemorate such a fabulous man. With that in mind, this year I decided to take his birthday to the max!

In lieu of a birthday party, I invited about a dozen friends to tarzan with Jason and me on a zipline tour of Provo Canyon’s leafy canopies. The gods of temperate temperatures magnanimously blessed our whooshful expedition; the day of our zipping was uncharacteristically cool with precipitation in the forecast but the threat of rain never materialized into more than a short-lived sprinkle making the weather ideal. Glory be!
The fine guides at Max Zipline put up with a lot from our raucous group in way of teasing, harassing, ill-conceived maneuvering, blasting and even singing. Evidentially, our enthusiasm was as unparalleled as our volumes though; we were told that we were the most excited crowd they’d had all week. Thanks to our eagerness, those guides consented to show us how to hang upside-down and cast off with flips. Even I, with my lack of admiration for high places, tried a little inverted zipping. With all that topsy-turvy reversed riding, surprisingly, only one of us got our pants in a twist. That lucky individual was Adam and luckily Jason caught it all on film. Click here to see Adam’s pant mishap.

Although not everyone in our group was equally comfortable with heights, I’d say that the vast majority of us had a spectacular time. And, more importantly, I believe that fantastic man of mine enjoyed himself, which was the whole point of this little adventure. Soaring through lofty aspens and pines with nothing but fresh mountain air tickling your feet is quite the experience. Soaring through lofty aspens and pines with happy birthday choruses ringing out below your wind-tickled feet is probably an even better one but you’d have to ask Jason; he received just such an aerial birthday serenade as he whizzed down his last cable. I won’t lie, the singing didn’t sound so good but how often do you get to hear the hills alive with the sound of off-key music? Happy birthday to my best and favorite bubba!
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