A Family Grande

As a family Christmas present, my grandparents sent money for my parents’ whole lineup of offspring to go out to dinner. All 20+ of us hit a little Mexican place I had never heard of: La Hacienda in Draper. It turned out to be pretty tasty and the staff was very accommodating to our extra-large group. Jason was especially happy that they didn’t squish us onto an insufficient number of tables, which avoided the old “put one butt cheek on your neighbor’s lap and accidentally stab their hand with your fork” routine.

This enormous string of tables was required to seat our bulky group.
This enormous string of tables was required to seat our bulky group.
Tara and Savanna have a lot of energy, which they like to focus on mischievous endeavors.
Tara and Savanna have a lot of energy, which they like to focus on mischievous endeavors.
Wesley is ever ready to make a funny face.
Wesley is ever ready to make a funny face.
Our lengthy row of tables did eventually fill up.

It’s been many years since my family has all eaten out together. Last time we did we fit on one table. Yeah, it’s been that long. So it was a treat to have an outsourced meal. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for giving the family horde a feast!