Nerds with Benefits

There are certain benefits to having a full fleet of nerdy friends. For starters, discussions on whether Gorn or Mugato is more impervious to Kirk Kicks or which Doctor has the most effective screwdriver are frequent and fascinating in our circle. Plus, it’s easy to find a companion for pursuing a Pathfinder quest or the latest Miyazaki flick. Also, having many geeky acquaintances means you always have somewhere to go when you happen to be dressed like a giant fox. On that note, our friends, the Rowleys, again hosted Rowley Con this spring, their annual tribute to all things gaming and geeking. It, once more, filled that twenty-sided void in many a heart and provided a loving home to unnaturally-sized foxes everywhere.

Jason took on Captain Kirk with this Friday facsimile. He had all the details down to the badge and phaser.
Jason took on Captain Kirk with this Friday facsimile. He had all the details down to the badge and phaser.
My Saturday duds consisted of long johns and various foxy parts. Jason looked suave dressed as my backup dancer.
My Saturday duds consisted of long johns and various foxy parts. Jason looked suave dressed as my backup dancer.

While the busyness of the particular weekend that Rowley Con was scheduled on this year prevented Jason and me from cavorting our usual amount at it, we stayed and played enough to participate in the competition for total nerd domination. The challenge categories this time were Dance Central 3, Love Letter, Crokinole, TowerFall, and a zombie game with ambiguous victors. Although neither of us succeeded at securing placement as the grand winner, I did manage to win the Dance Central 3 contest, which, frankly, is surprising since I had never danced the competition song until the three times I performed it during this tournament.

Milo donned his best bowtie and sonic screwdriver for this Eleventh Doctor outfit.
Milo donned his best bowtie and sonic screwdriver for this Eleventh Doctor outfit.
Love Letter was one of the tournament games this year. I believe Brandi proved herself the most appealing suitor.
Love Letter was one of the tournament games this year. I believe Brandi proved herself the most appealing suitor.
Many of the little kids preferred spending Saturday outside rather than amongst the congregated herd of nerds.
Many of the little kids preferred spending Saturday outside rather than amongst the congregated herd of nerds.

As is customary, Jason and I dressed iconically for this con occasion. We wore Starfleet uniforms on Friday and told everyone just what the fox says on Saturday. That’s right, I broke out my fox outfit, with some modifications, and Jason, in full feral splendor, dressed as my backup dancer. We were happy to see that a few other attendees actually sported costumes this year. I won the best female costume prize and the best male went to my brother Drew for his Doctor scrubs.

Andrew and Simone paid homage to the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond with these great costumes.
Andrew and Simone paid homage to the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond with these great costumes.
The prize for my award-winning costume was a unicorn mask. It found its way onto Bart’s head rather quickly.

Thanks Jeremy and Amber for hosting Rowley Con once again! Nerds may have sweet nunchuks skills but they’re not always competent in the gratitude department. So allow me to say thank you, on everyone’s behalf, from the bottom of my two hearts.