A Birthday Volley

I have, in my opinion, the best husband in the history of husbands. Am I biased? Maybe just a smidgen. However, no one can refute that he always does a bang-up job planning birthday parties for me. This year, to commemorate my earthly entrance, he arranged for a picnic in the park with our friends and their families followed by some rounds of volleyball.

Jason always goes far above and beyond the awesomeness of the typical husband. He planned my shindig well.
Jason always goes far above and beyond the awesomeness of the typical husband. He planned my shindig well.
My friend Robyn made some terrific cupcakes for my bash.
My friend Robyn made some terrific cupcakes for my bash.

Pizza, summer cherries, juicy watermelon, and cupcakes filled our bellies before volleyball sloshed them around. Our matches weren’t exactly intense but they were humorous. Need a visual? Just imagine a bunch of noisy chickens trying to keep a bottle cap airborne and you’re pretty close. The children present enthusiastically relished the slides, sand, and sugar readily available to them as the adults enjoyed their social and sporty distractions.

The kids were excited for slides and treats.
The kids were excited for slides and treats.
Jeremy and Bart: the utter essence of manly love.
Jeremy and Bart: the utter essence of manly love.

Even Mother Nature seemed onboard with Jason’s party plan; the weather was substantially more ideal than I can ever remember late June being. I actually had to wear a light jacket. Ah… There’s something energizing about the hum of summer, especially when it’s an uncharacteristically temperate hum. Yes, cheery but not overpowering sunshine combined with yummy food, happy kids, laidback games, and high-quality company made for a delightful evening.

Volleyball, despite my inability to play it, is a summer standard that I consistently enjoy.
Volleyball, despite my inability to play it, is a summer standard that I consistently enjoy.
Let the record, and the picture, show that I did dive in for the cause.
Let the record, and the picture, show that I did dive in for the cause.

Many thanks to that terrific husband of mine for scheming up this event. One can’t help feeling special when married to such a man. Happy birthday to me!