La Goons
When I was younger, I thought going to Lagoon was the coolest, even the globs of gum coating Dracula’s Castle could not dissuade me from that belief. I’ll admit, as an adult it’s not as thrilling, and my visits to that entertainment park have been infrequent in my last decades. Yet, I was completely game for getting dizzy with my family when my parents decided to take the clan to Lagoon as a Christmas present.
That day in the park, memories spun as rides carried me and my family members in circles, upside down, and sideways. The Tidal Wave, the Terroride, and the Log Flume were all still moving along, recalling giddy childhood moments. Nostalgia and butterflies mingled as Jason and I screamed with nieces and nephews on roller coasters, the first coasters for some, and strolled through the park’s kaleidoscopic bustle.
The grandkids agreed that the highlight of the day was riding Rattlesnake Rapids with Grandma. She cursed profusely whenever she got splashed, a surprise that amused and delighted the kids… those raised by her weren’t as surprised.

You are never too old to have your attitude lifted as your body is thrown into the air on a metal spire or shaken about on a bumpy rollercoaster, especially when your fellow shaken are some of your favorite people. Thanks Mom and Dad!
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