In recent years, my family has hiked together every summer, a tradition initiated mostly by me. Before school commenced this fall, one last trek was requested by some of our kin. That hike ended up being Bald Mountain in the Uintas. Due to some health emergencies and unforeseen laziness, our group got condensed. Regardless, it was a fantastic outing with entertaining company, memorable refreshments, and gorgeous views.
Bald Mountain is a quick hike, its 11,942-foot apex notwithstanding. Only 2.6 miles and 1,145 feet of elevation separate trekkers from its flat top. It took us about three or four hours to make the complete journey.
Once we reached the summit, we were in no hurry to leave. The views were spectacular with over 20 lakes and the points of the Uintas’ majestic zeniths encircling us. The only downside to the top? Despite the beautiful August day, temperatures were in the 40s and a 20 MPH wind kept zinging us.

Exploring strange new worlds is kind of my thing… well, mine and Captain Kirk’s. I loved checking out Provo River Falls on our return drive. These falls look so much like stairs it’s hard to believe they were made by nature and not a work crew. I didn’t even know that Provo River had waterfalls. Look what I’ve learned!
We stopped at Oakley’s Road Island Diner on our way home. Its yummy shakes and sandwiches were an integral part of my trail-bribing scheme, a successful stratagem. Our drive back became a “name that tune” war. Little-known gems from the 80s and 90s were played in succession as we all tried to prove our knowledge of obscure and archaic music.
Bald Mountain was a fine excursion indeed. I’m a happy camper when I’m in the mountains… even when I’m not camping.