Escalante for Everyone
When Jason and I first visited Escalante and stayed at Escalante Yurts, I immediately thought it would be a perfect spot for some family adventures and togetherness. Two years later, Jason and I made that bonding outing happen as our birthday present to everyone in my clan.

Planning this trip was a bit complicated. We told the group about our idea last November and managed to schedule a weekend this spring when the yurts and almost all my family were available. Although we planned months in advance, only 75% of the crew ended up attending. Still, it was the greatest concentration of us in a remote location in over 20 years. Hallelujah for my preparation inclinations!

We all arrived at the yurts within an hour or two of each other. Then, eighteen of us ate pizza and Spanish anchovies at Escalante Outfitters. Escalante Outfitters is an unconventional but tasty consortium of lodgings, gear, and grub. After dinner, we wasted no time getting pungently smoky around a campfire. Encompassed in its crackling hospitality, we chatted until after midnight.

The next morning, we headed off on the 5.5-mile trek to Lower Calf Creek Falls, one of Escalante’s most popular paths. Our group spread out quickly between teenagers trying to impress each other with speed and younger children not being entirely convinced they wanted to move. Jason and I stayed with the slower faction and kept the kids distracted through entertaining readings and dramatizations at each of the trail’s 14 interpretive stops. It was an enjoyable ramble with plenty of meaningful conversations, merriment, and views of marvelous wilderness.

We spent the evening hanging around the yurts and carrying out an epic Easter egg hunt covering a significant portion of the yurt’s 20 acres. Usually, our Easter hunts are impressive only in terms of the number of items hidden. Obviously, this one’s ambitiousness extended to terrain complexity and size.

On our return journey, we made lots of stops. The first was to see the Freemont granaries along the Escalante River and hike to the 100 Hands Pictograph. This short, and somewhat-adventurous, trek has lots of points of interest that kept the kids attentive. I’ve heard rumors that it was the favorite outing of the weekend for many.

Next, we snacked and refreshed ourselves at Kiva Koffeehouse amidst gorgeous views and agreeable sunshine. Then, at Anasazi State Park, the kids and once-upon-a-time kids explored replica dwellings and viewed artifacts dating back to 1050. The last stop on our way home was Hell’s Backbone Grill, an appetizing diversion. The Jenchiladas were just as scrumptious as I remembered them.

This weekend excursion was basically a reunion sponsored by the Sabins. I wish my entire family could have come, but it was still awesome to have a significant portion present. We got to witness Ryan’s performing skills, sample Andrew’s chili, watch the kids excavate muddy stumps in search of golden eggs, eat anchovies like the aliens on V, and laugh about childhood mishaps. It reminded me that my brother has a superb sense of humor, my sister an infinite reserve of kindness, and that countless connections bind us to each other. Happy birthday everyone!
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