Birthdays, those annual reminders that we are growing older and will someday have less years in front of us than behind us, are unwelcome by many. However, I am not one of those many. As far as I’m concerned, looking back is a waste. Why squander time mourning the loss of time? Isn’t that doubling your losses? I’m not going to spend my awesome “now” moments lamenting wrinkles or passed decades. No way, I plan on rocking this party ‘til I drop.
Doesn’t our group look amazing all harnessed up? Safety has its price: ugliness.
Since I don’t have an aversion to birthdays, I was happy to oblige Jason’s scheme of holding another grandiose bash for mine. Although every year I tell him that such celebrations aren’t necessary, I am always happy to get together with my many fabulous friends. Jason, once again, did a great job planning a fine event. Nearly twenty of us met up at Provo Beach Resort to hit their ropes course. If you’ve never done a ropes course before, it’s more of an adrenaline rush than you’d think. Sure, you’re hooked in and you can’t fall but try telling your brain that. It’s one thing to just hang around up high and something else entirely to convince your legs to move across a tiny board at intimidating heights. Fortunately, the stress of the course only put one of our participants in tears.
Heights and I don’t get along very well but I told my pounding heart to shut up and I took those skinny beams on.
After we’d had lots of line time, we tested our sweet laser dodging moves in the resort’s Lazer Frenzy maze. It turns out that none of us really have any sweet laser dodging moves. Drat! I guess Catherine Zeta-Jones is on her own.
Although you are safely strapped in, trying to make your legs go places your brain says they shouldn’t takes some gumption.
Next, we walked across the street to Malawi’s Pizza and feasted on some of my favorite pie. Our giant table of boisterous gobblers probably disturbed a number of the other dinners but that didn’t stop everyone from increasing their volumes even further with a few belted birthday verses. Yes, I was sung to and presented with fine gifts like LOTR PEZ dispensers. One PEZ to rule them all!
Jeremy was intimidated by the distance to the ground too but he got over his fears and started climbing around like the monkey he is.
I’ve got some superb friends. I love to laugh and they make sure I do often.
Following dinner, most of us challenged each other to a game of Miniature Croquet, which was surprisingly quite fun. The competition was intense though and I think more than one husband may have had to sleep on the couch as a result.
Andrew and Adam pulled off the aristocratic condescension befitting a croquet match quite well. Practice?
The handful of partiers that still had a few bits of energy and vocabulary in them joined us back home after all that for some games even though it was almost midnight. It was nearly 3 AM before we gave up on 25 Words or Less but I think some of us should have given up much sooner. (And, of course, by “some” I mean the people not on my team.)
I have one terrific husband. He makes me feel special every day.
I thoroughly enjoyed my birthday shindig. Thanks for celebrating me everyone. Here’s to another year older and another year feistier!
Jason and I have done the dirty several times but we’d never transformed ourselves into speeding human rainbows…until now. We thought we could use a few more shades of awesome in our lives so we signed up for Color Me Rad along with my brother Drew, his wife Simone and our friend Abigail. Color Me Rad, a 5K with color bombing stations, is one part athleticism and two parts nonsensical dye dumping. As it turns out, plastering yourself with pigment under the guise of exercise is pretty rad.
Jason didn’t keep up his usual quick race pace but slowed down to blitz all of us frequently with his many bags of colored powder.
Our group, Refraction Action, didn’t hurry too fast to the finish line but relished cavorting in the clouds of color.
By the end, Drew looked like what would happen if Crayola started making crayons in a TNT factory.
Color Me Rad, for the most part, proceeds like any other race except periodically a giant cloud of purple or orange appears in front of you and you quickly find yourself in a swirling monochromatic haze. Although most of the participants run through these dye mists without covering their noses or mouths, our group decided to wear bandanas through the fog so we could breathe a little easier. Gulping fluorescent dust just isn’t as refreshing as gulping fluorescent Gatorade even if they contain the same FD&C. Despite our precautions, I still woke up a few times the following night coughing like crazy but I’m sure I spared myself some extra wheezing by donning that unstylish handkerchief.
Yes, I wore a shower cap. My hairdresser informed me that dyes like these + blonde hair = not blonde hair so I wasn’t taking any chances.
Just one of Jason’s many naughty acts during the race.
After our scamper for color and follow-up attempt to pound ourselves back into pallidness, we stopped at our favorite waffle spot, Bruges, for some waffles and frites. Although the strange looks we got from some of the other patrons may have suggested otherwise, frites do taste just as good when eaten with neon fingers.
The colors flying around at the stations made the whole world seem bizarrely tinted.
We stuck around after the race for a color toss ensuring that our multihues multiplied.
Although Color Me Rad wasn’t an energy sucker like The Dirty Dash, it definitely left its mark.
Color Me Rad was a lot of fun and a lot of messy. But dye, oddly enough, is considerably easier to clean off than dirt. (Apparently, I have a lot of experience coating myself in all sorts of tenacious goo.) Sure, we had purple sweat circles covering our inner elbows that were none too eager to be removed and we were the proud owners of vibrant boogers for a few days but, all things considered, we tidied up pretty nicely. Yes, we colored it rad and rad wasn’t half bad.
For many people, happiness remains perpetually illusive. If I had a dime for every time someone complained on Facebook about how their life is the pits, I’m pretty sure I’d be able to buy me a gumball or two. I, on the other hand, am very content with my existence. Sure, like everyone else I’ve got my problems but, in general, I feel fortunate to be living the life I do. Recently, with all the research that I peruse at work, I came across a study that I found fascinating. It might explain why I delight in my days and how the downers of the world could find more joy in theirs. Hence, with the happiness of the entire universe at stake, I thought I better share this mind-blowing data.
In 1937 Harvard initiated the Grant Study, the world’s longest investigation of physical and mental health. More than 200 Harvard students have been followed over the last 75 years for this study. Their experiences have been used to ascertain the best means of adding life to your years instead of just years to your life. The lead researcher, George Valliant, has written multiple books on his intriguing findings. Although I can’t cover all the riveting topics of those volumes here, I do want to relay a few snippets that I thought were particularly interesting.
Based off the lives of these students and how successfully they aged, Valliant came up with nine protective factors that, when adhered to, increase health and happiness up to age 70, 80 and beyond. Here they are in no particular order:
1. Don’t Smoke: This is a no-brainer for most of us. With the taboo that cigarettes have become, few of us would touch tobacco but it’s never too late to quit if you’re the touchy/feely type.
2. Avoid Excessive Alcohol Consumption: Again, for me, this is a no-brainer. Alcohol abuse destroys both health and happiness and I actually like being in control of my faculties. (Yes, the term “control freak” does apply.) I have no need for liquor; I can make an idiot of myself all on my own, thank you very much. What’s excessive one might ask? There’s a big difference between having a beer or glass of wine with your dinner and getting totally sloshed every weekend. Do you drink like you’re still a college kid at a frat party even though you left the dorms behind a decade or more ago? I would say that’s excessive.
3. Maintain a Healthy Weight: I know lots of us struggle with this but, I assure you, habits and expectations can be changed. Too many people buy into the notion that they should look like a Barbie and then, when they realize this isn’t attainable, they surrender in frustration and end up looking like Jabba the Hutt instead. Where body composition is concerned, we should have ideal health not ideal “beauty” as our goal. I’m no toothpick but I’m very healthy and I’m perfectly happy with that. You don’t need to look like a supermodel to be in good shape. After all, supermodels only look the way they do because of some hardcore anorexia, boob jobs and extensive photoshopping. Don’t be fooled into thinking that a body like that’s advantageous or even real and don’t let the impossibility of that ideal make you give up on the attainability of real health.
4. Exercise: This one is a cinch for me because I go absolutely batty if physical activity’s not regularly draining my excess energy reserves. Getting into an exercise routine can be difficult but it’s well worth it. Along with a healthier heart and a toned physique, you’ll get a deserved sense of euphoria and accomplishment.
Exercise has been part of my routine since I was a teenager. Thanks to our running club, the R.A.C., it’s become customary for many of our friends as well.
5. Engage in Selfless Behavior: It’s little wonder that doing something good for someone else makes us feel happier. Not only are we changing another life for the better but we are also taking the focus off of our own troubles. Double win baby! Valliant put it very eloquently this way, “Don’t think less of yourself but try to think of yourself less.” I’m certainly no saint but I do hope, when all is said and done, that I can leave this world a little better off than it would have been without me.
6. A Strong Partnership: Having a spouse or partner you can count on adds greatly to happiness. This shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone, except maybe Mr. Bobbitt. Jason and I have a fantastic relationship; I can’t tell you how much of a difference it has made in my life. Finding or keeping Mr. or Mrs. Right may seem out of our hands but we definitely do have a say in it. Only we can open ourselves up to a new love or improve our relationship with the love that we’ve got.
7. A Good Long Education: The more educated we are the happier we tend to be.
8. Stay Creative and Continually Learn New Things: Creativity and curiosity keep us young and engaged. I am an extremely curious person and, although I’ve been out of college for years, I still love to gain knowledge whether it’s in the form of a technical food science book or a dance class. The mysteries of the universe and the steps to the foxtrot uniformly fascinate me.
9. Good Coping Skills: Stress, strain, and conflict are unavoidable. We are all going to experience those through the course of our lives, some of us probably more than our fair share, but if we can laugh about our problems and maturely resolve our differences with others, we will discover a lot more joy in our existence. Valliant has said that good coping skills are related to emotional intelligence and that this type of intelligence, which helps us build better relationships, predicts happiness much more than IQ. I’ll admit that, out of all of these factors, this is the one that I need to work on the most. I tend to worry about some things more than I should and a few things much more than I should. But hey, I can still change; I’m not dead yet.
This study found that those that met fewer than four of these controllable factors were all sick/sad or dead by the time they were 80 while most of those that complied with at least a few more were still happy and well at that age.
You may have perceived from Valliant’s list that as we age maintenance becomes much more important than genes. (Sorry dude that had a grandpa that lived to 102, if you don’t exercise that heart attack is still coming for you.) You may also have noticed that some seemingly obvious contenders for creating happiness are missing from that list. Money and social prestige, commonly believed to be the building blocks of life enjoyment, didn’t make the cut.
For me, the take-home message in all of this is simple: we have much more say in the realization of our happiness than some of us would like to admit. We are more frequently the victims of our own hands than of circumstances beyond our control. Perhaps we should be a little less cutthroat and a little more caring. Perhaps we should foster new hobbies and habits. Maybe we should get off the couch and get on the trail. And perhaps we should remember that our relationship with our spouse is worth some effort and consideration.
Like I said, I am extremely content. I don’t wish to be any younger or richer or more successful than I am now. I have nothing to prove to anyone. I’m happy with where I am right at this very moment and I plan on continuing to be happy in every moment that I’m lucky enough to be alive.
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