Oh Stuff It!

Thanksgiving: the great day of stuffing. Thanksgiving for most people means eating until you’re relatively certain that consumption of even one more bite will result in a massive vomitous explosion. When I was a kid I definitely gorged myself on Turkey Day but I have since outgrown my desire to ingest painfully large quantities of food. Thanksgiving has therefore become a holiday of food quality not quantity for me. Everything I make for our crazy array of family dinners has to be homemade and delicious; I usually bring out my most decadent and elaborate recipes for this holiday.

This is the cluster of family members that
This is the cluster of family members that was still at my parent's house when I realized I hadn't taken any pictures yet.

With two families to visit, Thanksgiving, like Christmas, is typically very hectic for me and Jason and generally leaves us completely exhausted. So this year, in addition to the pumpkin cheesecake and assorted tidbits I made for our family dinners, I decided to cook me and Jason pre and post Thanksgiving meals on Wednesday and Friday. I thought it would be nice to make some tasty food on days we could actually relax a bit and enjoy it.

Phyllo Wrapped Asparagus
Phyllo Wrapped Asparagus

I made Butternut Squash Soup, Phyllo Wrapped Asparagus, and Bruschetta with Sautéed Sweet Peppers and Creamy Gorgonzola for our pre-feasting feast and an absolutely scrumptious, and time consuming, Beef Bourguignon recipe for our post-holiday stuffing. Yum!

This delicious Beef Bourguignon took 3 hours and whole bottle of red wine to make.
This delicious Beef Bourguignon took 3 hours and an entire bottle of red wine to make. It was worth it!

Spreading out our holiday food intake turned out to be pretty perfect for me since I don’t really care for the normal Thanksgiving porking. Jason made no complaints about this 3 day food fiesta but maybe that’s because his mouth was too crammed to utter a syllable. Either way, I think I have stumbled upon a lovely new Thanksgiving tradition that I am going to continue in the years to come.

Fangs and Fur

As many of you know, I am an unabashed geek. And as such I am always happy to be involved in any nerdfest. So when I heard that the next Twilight film, New Moon, was going to be showing in Salt Lake City at midnight on opening day, and that there was going to be Jacob and Edward themed theaters for this premier event, I was eager to sign up.

My friend Wendy also wanted to be part of this little geeky adventure. So we bought tickets for us, and our third wheel Jason, a few months ago. (The theaters were all already almost sold out.) Since Wendy is a big Jacob fan, and I like Jacob and Edward nearly equally, we decided to join the groupies in the pro-Jacob or “Fur” theater.

I made these vampire cookes the day of the premier to celebrate it
I made these vampire bite cookies the day of the premier to celebrate.

Wendy and I were pretty excited about enjoying this movie with all the screaming 13 year old girls and housewives. I even bought a Jacob shirt to wear to the event because my geekyness knows no bounds but I was out-nerded by Wendy; she made a New Moon countdown chain for us so we would know exactly how many days we had to suffer through our giddy anticipation.

The night of the premier the theater complex was completely packed with people, mostly of the female persuasion; it was the most crowded I have ever seen that building. But can you blame the girls for flooding in? This wasn’t just a movie; it was an event.

Lots of Twilight goodies came with our special (and especially high priced) tickets: candy, drinks, popcorn, shirts, posters, stickers, dog tags… just to name a few. The Fur theater also came equipped with its own flesh and blood Jacob. No, not Taylor himself, but an actor that was a darn close double. He was even shirtless and tattooed. I missed my chance to get a picture taken with him though because I was too busy running around picking up all of my free Twilight swag from booths scattered around the building. Dang it! Next time!

I posed for this picture after the movie. Wendy wouldn't pose with me. I guess she didn't think she was very photogenic at 3 in the morning.
I posed for this picture after the movie. Wendy wouldn't join me. I guess she didn't think she was very photogenic at 3 in the morning.

The movie itself did not disappoint. I thought its special effects were vastly superior to those in the first film. And as for audience response…there was a lot of support in our theater for Bella’s werewolf friend. During the scene where Jacob removes his shirt the shrieking was almost deafening. I think Jason’s screaming was the loudest though; I still can’t hear out of that ear. Just kidding, though I’m pretty sure he did giggle a bit.

It was a fun night and a unique experience; I enjoyed it despite the chaos and swarms of people. And if some of you wish to ridicule this nerdy activity – don’t bother – mockery doesn’t even slightly faze a shameless geek such as myself.

Play! A Video Game Symphony

Play! A Video Game Symphony is a touring concert series that combines live orchestra music with footage from videogames. In essence you listen to videogame “soundtracks” while watching corresponding clips on three large screens.

Here we are at Abravanel Hall. We looked better in some of the other pictures I took but this one seemed more fitting.
Here we are at Abravanel Hall. We looked better in some of the other pictures I took but this one seemed more fitting.

Play! came to SLC last week for one night, with the cooperation of the Utah Symphony. Jason and I, along with a few of our gamer friends, decided to attend this event. Since I don’t really play videogames I was only familiar with a few of the pieces on the program but the boys in my group, and most of the crowd, seemed to recognize the bulk of them. The audience was very enthusiastic about their favorites.

There are no words.
There are no words.

It was a fun and strange night, a night in which the refined and the not-so-cultural became almost indistinguishable. The social confusion was uncanny enough to make me feel a bit like I had entered a parallel universe, one in which nerdy customs were considered the height of sophistication. Dang it! I just used the term “parallel universe”. Now I have revealed my geeky underbelly and ruined my credibility as a gamer defamer. Oh well, as the old adage goes, if you can’t beat them you better play nonstop until you can!