Salt Lake City Loves Thriving Ivory!
Jas and I went to see Thriving Ivory back in October of last year and the show was fabulous, so when I heard they were coming to town again I had to get tickets.
We didn’t make it to the concert in time to see the first group perform, but we saw the last two bands that played before Thriving Ivory. Generally, concert goers have low expectations regarding the opening bands at smaller events such as this one. So last night I didn’t expect much from the opening acts. However, to my surprise, I was very impressed by both the opening bands that we heard, Company of Thieves and State of Shock. I was so impressed, in fact, that I bought both of their CD’s.
Company of Thieves played with plenty of energy. It was great to see their lead singer, a chick, tearing it up on stage. The audience members responded to that energy by being much more enthusiastic than you would expect, considering that most of them probably had never heard of this band before.

State of Shock, a band from Vancouver just beginning to play in the U.S., also performed with a lot of passion. You could tell they truly loved what they were doing. I got a chance to chat with them after the concert. They were the nicest rockers I’ve ever met, very friendly and accommodating. They were more than happy to oblige my request to have a picture taken with them. I’ve been listening to their CD and am happy to report that I’m digging it. Their music is catchy and fun, good toe-tapping tunes.

And as for the main attraction, Thriving Ivory, as anticipated, did not disappoint. Like last time, they put on a great show and the audience definitely enjoyed themselves. It’s easy to see why Salt Lake City is Thriving Ivory’s favorite place to perform. With girls screaming “I love you” whenever there was a quieter moment, you’d think you’d just stepped into a Jonas Brothers concert. But I guess I can commiserate with the screaming masses, I too love Thriving Ivory. I love their music and watching them perform, and I love that they’ve found such a captive audience here in Salt Lake City; I kind of feel like they’re my homeboys. Next time they come to town I can guarantee that I will be in the crowd cheering them on.
My sole complaint is that I wasn’t able to get a picture with the band this time. Unlike at their previous show, last night I remembered to bring my camera with me, but also unlike last time, people weren’t allowed to take pictures with the band afterwards. I’m sure the band members were exhausted; they looked like they were worn out from touring. And they were very sweet to hang around, following the concert, to sign swag. But man, I just wanted a good picture after the dismal state of the iPhone ones I took last time. So I waited in line, only to hear when I was close to the front of the line that they weren’t permitting any pictures to be taken. How sad! Oh well, my pixilated picts will have to do for now. Maybe next time…
Still, it was a tremendous show. I enjoyed all of the bands, which is a rarity. And I loved seeing my Thriving Ivory boys again. I hope they will return soon.
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