The Great Day of Stuffing
Thanksgiving is always a crazy day for me and Jason. Due to the proximity of our families, we try to make an appearance at both of their dinners. In theory this seems feasible but it is not as easy in practice. We spend the day jolting from dinner to dinner, trying to convince ourselves that somehow we really can eat more food, even though we just consumed mass quantities of it. It’s hectic, but we’re glad at least that we are close enough to make this nuttiness possible.

This year, my family assembled at my parents’ house, as usual, for a delicious Thanksgiving lunch. After we stuffed our faces we walked to the park to enjoy the sunny, but surprisingly frigid, day.

When we unthawed from our park experience it was time for some serenading. My niece, nephews, and sisters all played their various musical instruments; I have a very musically inclined family. We got to listen, and sing along to, a diverse assortment of violin, cello, guitar, banjo, viola, and piano pieces. Although Jason has never taken a music lesson in his life and he has absolutely no musical ability whatsoever-if you have been unfortunate enough to hear him sing then you know what I mean-he didn’t want to be left out. He played Joy to the World on his iPhone ocarina for us. (Yes, just like in Zelda.) Sometimes that boy goes above and beyond geeky.

It was another fun, but super busy, holiday for us!
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