Summing up San Diego
The last year has been a little crazy for me and Jason. We have moved, planted innumerable plants, and installed all manner of things in our yard. Although the yard is still a work in progress, we decided it was definitely time to take a much needed break and go on vacation. We chose San Diego as our vacation location.

The weather was good for the most part while we were there but we did have a day or so of cloudy skies, referred to by Diegoites as the “June Gloom”. That didn’t stop us from enjoying ourselves though. We went to the San Diego Zoo, several beaches, Cabrillo National Monument, Torrey Pines State Park, the La Jolla Sea Caves, tide pools, and some great restaurants.
Unknown to us when we panned this trip, the US Open was going on in San Diego while we were there. We decided that we weren’t too interested in attending this event anyway (sorry, golf is pretty boring to me) but we did pass by all the crazy crowds and limos at the Torrey Pines golf course. Jason claims he waived to Tiger.
Here are some of my favorite things about our trip (in no particular order):
- Taking the top down in our rented PT Cruiser convertible. At first I was somewhat reluctant to go topless because it was a little windy out but as soon the top was down and I could feel that warm sun on my face I told Jason, “That feels really good. Let’s never put the top up again.” He thought that statement was supremely funny for some reason and has been laughing about it ever since.
Our rental car and hotel - Seeing a baby panda at the San Diego Zoo. It was such a fluffy, cute, little puff ball.
The baby panda - Watching the surfers down in the water from the pier above try to catch some waves. Most of their attempts just ended in mass ocean water consumption. It was fun to watch.
- The meerkats at the zoo. Even though they were in a zoo these curious creatures retained their wild habits. Two of them kept a lookout on their surroundings by standing on rocks, perched on their hind legs, while the rest of the meerkats dug, played, and sunbathed. They cracked me up!
- Eating, eating, eating!!!!! The food was spectacular. We had the best Mexican food I have ever eaten in my life at El Agave Tequileria. We also sampled some international fare at Parallel 33 and contemporary cuisine at Georges California Modern. I had everything from delicious sea bass covered in a creamy garlic-chipotle sauce to Aloo Ki Ticki potato cakes drizzled with pineapple mint chutney. Yum! Yum! Yum!
- Seeing a gorilla up-close and personal at the zoo. There was only a plate of glass between us. He looked at me with obvious intelligence and I couldn’t help but notice his hands didn’t look much different from my own.
- Sitting out on our room’s balcony at night and watching the nearly full moon rise over a silvery ocean.
View from our Balcony - Watching an Allen’s Swamp Monkey play with a Spotted Neck Sea Otter at the zoo like they were the best of buddies. It was quite entertaining.
- Opening our balcony door at night and listening to the peaceful sound of the ocean waves.
- Sleeping! Jason and I are pretty much sleep deprived on a regular basis. It was so nice just to be able to sleep until 9:30 or 10:00 every morning. Not being in a rush to get up was definitely one of my favorite things about this trip.
- Sitting with Jason on the rocks at the secluded Torrey Pines beach and laughing each time the ocean spray hit us.
Jason hangs on the rocks - Running along the beach and playing in the ocean. Jason thought I was nuts for doing this because the water was too frigid for him. But I didn’t mind it, I was having fun.
- Watching the seals lounge and stretch at the “Children’s Pool” in La Jolla. Especially the seal that tried over and over to figure out how to get up on a rock. He was never successful. Poor guy, that rock must have looked pretty good.
Us at the Cabrillo Statue
Those were some of my favorite San Diego moments.
Having been on many a great trip with my sweet husband, the best tips I could give my fellow travelers are as follows:
Get a travel book about the location you are traveling to. Now I know many of you think this is an unnecessary waste of 10 bucks, but I assure you, it will add priceless value to your vacation. When we went to Hawaii a couple years ago one of our friends highly recommended we get a travel book to help us make the most of our stay on the islands. This turned out to be a fabulous suggestion. Not only did this book rate popular attractions, it listed some of the lesser known sites that turned out to be spectacular. It also listed oodles of scrumptious restaurants.
So from that trip on, every vacation we go on we invest in a travel book or two. It’s well worth the expense. We use these travel books, amongst other things, to find the best local cuisine. The food we sampled in San Diego was unbelievable!!!!
This brings me to my last travel tip. Most travelers spend their entire budget on expensive attractions and perhaps some souvenirs. Many of these souvenirs get packed away somewhere or discarded eventually. The longest lasting souvenir you can take home with you is the ten pounds you gained eating divine food. I can guarantee that that fat will stay with you longer than any bobble head doll or oversized t-shirt.

Seriously though, most people spend every cent of their vacation fund staying at Disneyland as long as possible, or going to Sea World, or some other popular attraction. They then make up their losses by eating at McDonald’s every meal. I think if you do this style of vacation you really miss out on literally sinking your teeth into some of the local culture. Personally, I am always in favor of good food.
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