The Facts on Food Allergies Part II: Cross-Reactivity

Cross-reactivity may sound like a description of your grandma’s irritation every time you walk through her pansies, but that’s not quite what it is.

As I mentioned in my previous post, 40% of those with pollen allergies have an associated plant food allergy due to cross-reactivity. Further, cross-reactivity is the predominant reason food allergies pop up in adulthood. While oral allergy syndrome is by far the most common way cross-reactivity presents, dangerous anaphylaxis can occur as well. Still, cross-reactivity perplexes both allergy sufferers and practitioners, which is why it will be the sole subject of this part in my allergies series.

What is cross-reactivity?

Cross-reactivity occurs when someone becomes sensitized to a particular allergen but then also reacts to separate species because of protein similarities.

Why do some proteins cause cross-reactivity reactions and others don’t?

As previously discussed, the bulk of food allergies are caused by proteins, and proteins are comprised of amino acids. One of the ways IgE antibodies recognize allergens is through amino acid sequences. If an unrelated protein has enough sequences in common with a substance we are allergic to, our IgE antibodies may flag it as an intruder as well. Yes, it may set our IgE Spidey sense and tongue tingling.

Why would two proteins be similar?

There are a couple reasons for likeness. Proteins from related species may share some components due to common genetics, but proteins from distinct species may also have commonalities because of similarities in function.

For instance, profilins are a group of proteins that are found in every plant part from fruit to nut. They perform essential functions like cell movement and, as they are present in almost every pollen, are a common pollen allergen. Roughly 10-30% of those with pollen allergies are sensitive to this family of proteins. Unfortunately, the uniformity between profilins from different plant sources is as high as 70-85%. What does this mean? Many people with pollen allergies will react when they encounter these proteins in food. Hence, profilins are involved in a high percentage of cross-reactivity cases.

Cross and reactive?
Confused about cross-reactivity? You aren’t the only one.

Does the inhalant or food allergy come first?

Respiratory allergies are much more common than food allergies, impacting 10-30% of the world’s population. Therefore, in cases of cross-reactivity, the inhalant allergen is more often the primary sensitizer.

What are some of the common plants and foods that cause cross-reactivity reactions?

Which pollens and foods can cause cross-reactivity can be a bit confounding as the connections are not often obvious. Birch pollen and apple are the most frequently cross-reacting pollen and fruit pair. Birch pollen also causes cross-reactivity with carrots, pears, potatoes, and nuts.

Profilins, the protein family mentioned earlier, have been implicated in cross-reactivity with kiwis, apples, tomatoes, soybeans, celery, poppy seeds, and legumes. Fortunately, profilin allergy symptoms are typically mild involving a runny or stuffy nose in the case of pollens and oral allergy syndrome in the case of foods. On a side note, profilins are one of the allergens in birch pollen but are not the most common cause of birch allergies or cross-reactivity.

Many of those with a latex allergy will react to chestnuts, bananas, and avocados. This is because the protein involved in latex allergy, hevein, has 70% identical sequencing to proteins found in these fruits.

But cross-reactivity doesn’t stop with flora. People with a dust mite allergy can react to shrimp or other shellfish like mollusks.

Hopefully, how cross-reactivity connects the dissimilar is less confusing now. Next time, we will examine some of the properties of proteins and people that make allergies more likely to occur.


1. Mills and Shewry. (2004). Plant Food Allergens. Blackwell Publishing.

2. Popescu. (2015). Cross-Reactivity Between Aeroallergens and Food Allergens. World Journal of Methodology, 5(2), 31–50.

The Facts on Food Allergies Part I: Fundamentals and Frequency

When I was a kid, I used to tell people that I was allergic to beets so I wouldn’t have to eat them. Fortunately, I’ve learned to love beets over the years, therefore fibbing about that delicious veggie is no longer necessary. Yet, for a multitude of reasons, countless Americans may be guilty of their own allergy fibs. Allow me to keep you honest and informed.

As hard as it is to believe, many people restrict their diets unnecessarily based off erroneous self-diagnosed food allergies. While we’ve all encountered the occasional drama queen intent on making others accommodate imaginary dietary restrictions, I believe most people are justifiably baffled over allergies and are just trying to make the best decisions they can from the information they’ve encountered. With that in mind, let me add the synopses of some legitimate scientific research to your knowledge base. Over the next four posts, I will share some specifics I’ve learned about allergies through my years of being a food scientist. My studies have extended to literature written by some of the world’s leading experts on the subject, hundreds of pages of sensitivity sense. To restate, below you will find facts not propaganda, and more importantly, I hope you will find some answers.

How common are allergies?

Due mostly to confusion but perhaps sometimes delusion, 20% of the population believes they are allergic to at least one food. How close is that belief to reality? Only about one or two of every 100 adults and one in 10 children have a food allergy. What does this mean? Most kids outgrow their allergies and most adults are mistaken.

What causes allergies?

Allergies involve an immunological mechanism, usually a type I hypersensitivity reaction. This exaggerated response is mediated by IgE antibodies and can involve the skin, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, and cardiovascular system. It usually develops rapidly and doesn’t last long.

IgE antibodies are thought to have once been involved in defending our bodies against parasites. Our ancient ancestors may have had much need of their assistance, but modern living has largely eliminated the usefulness of their function. Since the only parasite currently in your life is that uncle that keeps borrowing money, your IgE are left bored and purposeless. Idle antibodies are the root of mischief in this case. In an attempt to stay relevant, these immunoglobulins have become the drama queens of the immune system. “Shellfish? Oh no you dit-ten!”

seeking antibodies
New work wanted?

What are the most common food allergens?

The most widespread food allergies are milk, egg, peanut, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, wheat, fruits, and legumes.

Is a food intolerance an allergy?

While intolerances are frequently mistaken for allergies, they are not allergies. Food allergies have an underlying immunological mechanism; food intolerances do not. Intolerances can be caused by deficiencies of certain digestive enzymes amongst other things. While intolerance can cause a great deal of discomfort, not to mention diarrhea, they do not pose a serious health threat.

Although there are a lot of reasons for adverse food reactions beyond the immune system, people tend to erroneously blame allergies. This leads to the overestimating of food allergies. If you and a certain food don’t get along, an allergy is just one of many possible explanations.

What specifically in foods causes allergies?

Proteins are generally the culprit though other substances like nickel can also cause responses. Proteins that resist digestion and are stable through cooking are more likely to cause allergic reactions as they are not broken down easily into their amino acid components.

Do you have to eat a food to have an allergic reaction to it?

No, allergic reactions to food ingredients can be caused by ingestion, skin contact, or inhalation. Yes, just touching a food or breathing its vapors can induce an allergic response in those susceptible.

What are the common skin symptoms of a food allergy?

Hives and swelling are typical demonstrations of a food allergy. Skin symptoms are the most common manifestations of a food allergy.

Skin reactions can occur from either consumption or direct skin contact. The foods usually associated with contact reactions are raw fish, shellfish, vegetables, and fruit.

What are the common gastrointestinal symptoms of a food allergy?

Anything from nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, or diarrhea can mean a GI tract is dealing poorly with an allergen. These symptoms can be accompanied by issues in other organs or be the only indicators.

What are the common respiratory symptoms of a food allergy?

Respiratory reactions to a food allergen can occur due to inhalation or ingestion. Symptoms include stuffy nose, itchy eyes, bronchial swelling, bronchospasms, and bronchial hypersensitivity.

Some people allergic to fish, shellfish, or legumes may experience stuffy nose or sneezing when inhaling steam as these foods are cooking. Baker’s asthma, which is caused by the inhalation of flour, is one of the most pervasive occupational respiratory disorders. It impacts 15-30% of all millers, bakers, farmers, and pastry plant workers.

On a side note, the process of sensitization through the lungs is much more direct than sensitization through the gut. This is because inhaled proteins are in their native form not altered by digestion and cooking.

What is anaphylaxis?

Anaphylaxis is a potentially life-threatening expression of a food allergy that can simultaneously impact many body systems. It usually occurs within minutes of exposure and can cause itching, hives, swelling of the skin, swelling of the throat, difficulty breathing, abdominal cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension, and shock. A third of all ER cases involving systemic anaphylaxis are a result of food allergies making those the most common cause. The foods most frequently implicated in ER visits are peanuts, tree nuts, fresh fruits, celery, seeds, legumes, seafood, eggs, and milk. Fatal anaphylaxis is more frequently observed in adults and adolescents; it seldom transpires with children. Acute asthma attacks associated with food-induced anaphylaxis can be particularly serious and are the most common reason for death in these instances.

How do the allergies of children vary from those of adults?

Allergies are most widespread during the first few years of life. Allergies that develop in infants are usually the result of proteins resisting digestion in the GI tract. Baby guts lack sophistication.

For children, the most common allergens are eggs and milk. These are usually outgrown, meaning a tolerance develops. However, kids allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, and shellfish typically remain allergic their entire lives.

In contrast, most food allergies that develop in adulthood are connected to pollens and other inhalant allergens and are a result of cross-reactivity. Cross-reactivity will be covered in my next post.

Are allergies region specific?

Peanut allergy is common in America whereas fish allergy is widespread in Japan. In Europe, many people are allergic to mustard seed. This demonstrates that the development of allergies is related to the degree of exposure.

Is there an association between atopic dermatitis, asthma, and food allergies?

The occurrence of allergies is greater in children with conditions like atopic dermatitis. Roughly 40% of children with mild-to-moderate dermatitis also have a food allergy. Further, childhood food allergies increase the likelihood of asthma and nasal allergies in adulthood.

What type of allergic response is most frequently experienced by adults?

Oral allergy syndrome is the most common way a food allergy presents itself in adults and seems to have become more ubiquitous in the last few decades. It involves contact hives, itching, and swelling restricted to the mouth and lips. It typically exhibits five to 15 minutes after consumption. This reaction is limited to the mouth because the proteins causing the allergy are broken down during the digestive process.

Oral allergy syndrome is regularly seen in adults and adolescents that are allergic to pollens of birch, ragweed, mugwort, or grasses. The triggering food is usually a fresh fruit or vegetable. Among those with pollen allergies, 40% have an associated plant food allergy. This is known as cross-reactivity. Cross-reactivity will be the subject of my next post in this four-part series. Tune in again soon for more overexcitement.

Reference: Mills and Shewry. (2004). Plant Food Allergens. Blackwell Publishing.

The Life of Death Valley

Death Valley is the hottest and driest place in North America and the biggest national park outside Alaska. Its reputation notwithstanding, it offers much beyond cracked mud, cattle skulls, and rattlesnakes. Death Valley holds both the lowest point in North America and terrain over 11,000 feet. It also contains oodles of oddities like stones that move themselves, ghost towns, and a salt pan spread over 200 square miles. Plus, the blankness of its landscape allows for full appreciation of each colorful twist and etch. For us, Death Valley was packed with countless surprises, some of them galactic.

the good about Badwater
The great thing about taking pictures in a salt pan is that even Charlie Brown wearing a sheet would look tan.

Due to its remote location, reaching Death Valley requires some driving no matter which direction you are coming from. We decided to make this our first road trip with a new car. Unfortunately, the excitement of taking our fresh wheels was tempered by beeps. Our windshield wiper fluid became low somewhere between St. George and Las Vegas. Our car, in all its technological glory, reminded us of this near deficiency precisely every mile. We stopped in Vegas to mollify the Gods of Beep with an offering of washer fluid, but it took three stores to find this common item. What’s up Vegas? The rest of our drive was exquisitely beepless.

Badwater Basin
The famous polygons of Death Valley are formed by salt crystals expanding in the cracks of dried mud.
overlooked landscapes
The salt in Badwater Basin is mostly sodium chloride. It is spectacular when viewed as a single crystal or a collective.

Our first day in the park, we covered a tourist requirement by visiting Badwater Basin, the lowest point in North America at 282 feet below sea level. Many of our fellow visitors just popped out to get a picture by the sign and then hurried on to their next photo stop, missing the best of Badwater. With about half a mile of walking, the distinctive polygon-shaped salt patches that Death Valley is known for can be reached. These are definitely worth taking a couple thousand steps. Why so salty? Death Valley’s salt pan was covered by a lake that evaporated about 2,000 years ago leaving behind its minerals. More deposits have been added with each flash flood. Since Badwater Basin is below sea level, those compounds have nowhere to drain. Voila! A couple thousand years with a clogged pipe and you’ve got a salt crust up to five feet thick.

spiny brine
Densely packed spirals of spiny salt fill as far as the eye can see at the Devil’s Golf Course.

After North America’s low point, we visited Satan’s fairway. The Devil’s Golf Course is a part of Badwater Basin that doesn’t flood because it’s a few feet higher than the valley’s deepest point. It’s also rarely touched by precipitation. That absence of water has allowed for the formation of large halite crystals over time. These are sharp and unforgiving; I’ve never encountered terrain so eager to stab. We managed to take a little stroll amongst the jagged, pickled sculptures without any bloody bumps.

Devil's Golf Course
The devil’s in the details.

Just before sunset, we stopped at the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, which is the park’s largest dune. There, you can hike miles along ridges that rise up 150 feet, or you can roll away like R2-D2 did. That’s right, Mesquite Flat was one of the many locations in Death Valley used for filming the Tatooine scenes in Star Wars: A New Hope. Death Valley was also the setting for parts of Return of the Jedi. As nerdy as we are, we somehow didn’t know this before our trip.

rolling dunes
Mesquite Flat is where R2-D2 rolled away from C-3PO.

The following day, we were off to Zabriskie Point and a 2.7-mile trek through the Badlands Loop. On the Badlands Loop, you wander through the maze of buttery colors below Zabriskie Point. These deposits were once the bottom of Lake Manly. Tilted and distorted by seismic activity and scored by the bursts of countless floods, the Badlands feature a labyrinth of carved, barren mounds separated by the thirsty fingers of dry washes.

Natural Bridge
Natural Bridge has the biggest span and worst name of the natural bridges in Death Valley.
dry and dramatic
Natural Bridge Canyon contains a number of dry waterfalls, vertical mementos of the unforgiving force of flash floods.

We also checked out Natural Bridge in Natural Bridge Canyon that afternoon- yes, those names are amazing. Jason and I have seen many natural bridges, this one was different. With a toothed and chunky span 35 feet tall and equally wide, this formation could never be called graceful. Like almost all the 17 bridges in Death Valley, Natural Bridge is composed of conglomerate rock, which is a type of sedimentary stone containing gravel, pebbles, and boulders. Basically, conglomerate rock is nature’s cement. This short hike, only 0.3 miles each way, is sure to please the geologically curious.

Artist's Palette
Dry should never be confused with dull.

Ever in search of nifty sunset locations, we tried to catch one at Artist’s Palette that evening. We saw roughly the last 30 seconds. Fortunately, the sun’s disappearance didn’t mute the heaps of mint, blush, canary, and ultramarine splashed and swirled by volcanic and hydrothermal activity across this mountainside. Magnificent!

Golden Canyon
It’s surprising how many forms and colors barren hillsides can take.

We filled the following day with a trek and a view. First, we hiked the portion of Golden Canyon to the Red Cathedral. You may know Golden Canyon by the name Jason calls it- Jawa Canyon. Most of the Jawa scenes in A New Hope were filmed in this butterscotch-colored gap. Naturally, we reenacted a few.

from the windows of the Red Cathedral
Golden Canyon is the most popular hike in Death Valley. Who are we to argue with the herd?

We successfully caught a sunset that evening at Dante’s View. As it turns out, Dante’s View is also Luke’s view as he is looking down at the Mos Eisley spaceport. This spot, located on the north side of Coffin Peak, is over 5,000 feet above the valley floor. From its vantage point, one can see both the lowest and highest points in the contiguous United States. Yes, in case you are wondering, back in the 1920s, Death Valley’s landowners dove a little heavy-handed into the death theme as a means of encouraging tourism- Dante’s View, Funeral Mountains, Coffin Peak- you get the idea.

valleys and stars
We packed for our trip not realizing we were headed to a galaxy far, far away. And yet…
a golden canyon creature
Jawa or Jason?
Dante's View
Nestled among the ridges of the Black Mountains, Dante’s View is no Hell.

As our final exploit in Death Valley, we got up early to catch a sunrise at Zabriskie Point, a popular daybreak photography spot. We’d read that if you didn’t arrive at least an hour beforehand, you wouldn’t be able to procure a spot. Although we were only 30 minutes early, there was still plenty of space amongst the 26 tripods waiting for rays to reach Manly Beacon. We didn’t mind getting a few less snoozes to get this experience.

Zabriskie Point
Zabriskie Point is an iconic spot to see a sunrise.

Death Valley felt like the Wild West meets Mars. It was beautiful in rare and unexpected ways. The diverse landscape appeared alien, and we found spiders in our toilet. The temperatures hit the mid-80s almost every afternoon; it sure didn’t feel like February. How does anyone handle it when it’s 45 degrees warmer? Jason asked me in earnest before we left the park, “Do you promise you’ll come back to Death Valley with me again?” Jason, I promise.