Party Like You’re 827!
This summer, Jason and I successfully completed another trip around the sun. Hallelujah and mazel tov! Some celebrating of the Sabin variety was in order, by which I mean costumes, cake, armaments, quests, grub, and ancient sorcery. You know, all the usual birthday stuff.
Snuggling mountains was my primary objective on my birthday. Jason and I spent most of the day in one canyon or another and went to the Foundry Grill at Sundance Resort for dinner accompanied by a few extra familial nibblers.

Now, some people parade around on their birthdays in pointy hats; I prefer to parade around in pointy ears. A small entourage of questers joined Jason and me at Evermore, an interactive park, a few days after my birthday for an evening amongst fairies, ogres, and trolls… oh wait, we only had trolls and ogres in our group. We danced, joined guilds, and gobbled all of Bag End. By the way, I’d highly recommend Evermore to anyone that’s ever rolled a 20-sided dice or just relished being a drama queen. The park is exceptional!

For Jason’s birthday, some easy-going entertainment was in order. I made breakfast. We went to a matinee and ate dinner at Log Haven, my favorite spot to sniff summer and fine foods simultaneously.

In observance of Jason’s slow ascension to elderliness, we invited a few friends to go axe throwing with us. My skills oscillated between fairly good and fairly horrible that evening. How can two arms be so inconsistent?

One of my birthday gifts to Jason was an escape room adventure, an undertaking we like to puzzle over regularly. Yes, we found ourselves questing again with a handful of chums, this time with magical relics our aim and Excalibur ours to claim. With 12 seconds to spare, Camelot was liberated and our egos left undamaged. Phew!

Birthdays are a special time when you dress like it’s Halloween, toss weapons around like soccer balls, pull swords from obstinate rocks, and chow down in the crannies of mountains.
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