With the start of school looming ahead, I decided that I needed one more summer vacation before giving up my fleeting freedom. (Apparently, Europe, Vegas, Steamboat Springs, etc. weren’t enough for me.) Jason and I hadn’t been down to the Utah Shakespearean Festival in years so I thought it would be nice to spend a couple days in Cedar City to catch some culture and nature. Predictably, I was correct.
Between that dot, AKA Jason, and the amphitheater bottom tumbled 2,000 feet of unforgiving rock.
We saw two productions during our stay. Cocoanuts, with its frequent sticking and slapping, was quite entertaining but the Utah Shakespearean Festival’s take on Henry V was outstanding. Jason had a bit of difficulty understanding the play’s fancy English, as usual, but he did grasp enough of its plainer parts to not completely drowned in that sea of fine language.
The views at Spectra Point are astounding and a little frightening.
This bristlecone pine is over 1600 years old and has the widest span of any known in Utah.
Following our play day, we opted to take a detour through Cedar Breaks National Monument on our way home. Although Cedar City was a little hot, Cedar Breaks was not. Instead, a storm threatened to put a swift and electrifying end to our hiking. Thankfully, it grumpily passed us by and singed the ridges to our north.
Bristlecone pines live thousands of years, to which our lifespans are measly blinks.
Thus, we made the four-mile roundtrip trek to Spectra Point and Ramparts Overlook without becoming rim fries. This trail, a section of which we hiked years ago, was full of dizzying panoramas along the perimeter of Cedar Break’s half-mile-deep amphitheater. It’s not a path you’d take a young child on unless you have a few of those to spare.
At Spectra Point, color plummets in every direction.
Afterwards, we had time for a casual romp over the Alpine Pond Nature Trail, a two-mile loop. Although the wildflowers that grace this route during parts of the summer had already died and the outlooks were blocked by trees, it was a pleasant wander.
The trail connecting Spectra Point to Ramparts Overlook takes a surprising dip through a quiet forest full of wildlife.
Traveling to Cedar City was a great idea; I have lots of those. Even though we were down there and back again in less than 48 hours, we still succeeded in witnessing some of man’s and nature’s best material. Good thing I’m needy and demanded one more pre-school break.
My sister Kristen lives more than a comfortable drive away. So, this summer, Jason and I rendezvoused with her and my parents in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, a scenic destination in between our homes. There we enjoyed a long weekend of relaxation and exploration. Perfecto!
The condo we rented was pretty sweet.
Our first morning in Steamboat, Jason and I hiked to Fish Creek Falls with my parents while we waited for my sister to arrive, if you can call a half-mile-roundtrip stroll a hike. Fish Creek Falls, a 283-foot cascade, is pretty but popular. I think most visitors that day had to walk farther from their cars to the trailhead than from the trailhead to the falls due to the parking mess.
The pools at Strawberry Park Hot Springs were enormous.
I love this cute picture of my sister.
After my sister and her husband John appeared, we spent most of the rest of the day at Strawberry Park Hot Springs. These springs have an exceptionally productive outpouring. The park contains five massive pools filled with varying mixes of 104-degree mineral water and cold creek flow. Eat it up Evian! We spent hours alternating between chilling ourselves in the river and scalding ourselves in the hottest of the pools. It was incredibly soothing and a lot of fun.
J.J. Abrams would like this picture.
Our trip to Steamboat Springs gave me a better opportunity to reconnect with my sister than I’ve had in years.
The next day, we started the morning with a very long accidental detour through the local farmers market. We sampled fine maple syrups and bought handmade jewelry for each other before heading back to our condo for lunch, boxes of Palisade peaches in tow.
I adore these ladies!
After a mellow meal on our condo balcony, we wandered around the Yampa River Botanic Park. This peaceful six-acre garden is taken care of exclusively by volunteers and the love shows. Kristen and I, both avid photographers, went a little picture happy there and enthusiastically pointed out shot spots to each other constantly.
Kristen showed me this great spot with lots of light contrast.
The reflections and ripples of Peter’s Pond made this picture magical.
We stopped and rode The Howler Alpine Slide afterward, John’s special request. Neither Kristen nor John had ever ridden an alpine slide before. Kristen was a bit nervous but she didn’t need to be; the breaking mechanism on her cart was malfunctioning and she probably could have walked down the mountain faster than she moved through the chute.
The world has changed around this barn yet it remains untouched in a corner of one of Steamboat Resort’s giant parking lots.
The photography mania continued that evening. Kristen and I went to a historic barn that has been encircled by Steamboat Resort over the years to take pictures; Jason tagged along. Frankly, this dilapidated structure was a little creepy, which made Jason really happy.
Through the gaps in the creepy barn, I shot Kristen shooting me.
I found the worn but vibrant grains of this barn fascinating.
We spent the remainder of the night eating Indian food, chatting, and playing games. My dad was the quiet winner of both Phase 10 and Saboteur. Sneaky boy!
The Vista Nature Trail was easy enough for everyone in our group to enjoy.
The next morning, after checkout, we went to Steamboat Resort. There we took the gondola up Mt. Werner and trekked around the one-mile Vista Nature Trail. Then we ate lunch with over 9,000 feet displayed below us like the prickly green face of some unshaven crag giant.
These were the only lines we saw in Steamboat.
On our way out of town, we made one last picture stop. The More Barn, an iconic feature of Steamboat Springs, was a great place for yet more barn photography. (Yes, that clever wording was intentional.)
The More Barn was built in 1926 and has since become one of Steamboat’s most photographed structures.
What a wonderful weekend! I’m so grateful for a family I can vacation with and return appreciating and enjoying even more, instead of less. Too often with relatives it is the other way around. I know you know exactly what I’m talking about.
I’m going to be honest; I was not planning on posting about our most recent trip to Las Vegas. Jason and I have visited Vegas so many times that its gaudy streets and maze-like casinos are beyond our notice or noteworthiness. However, on this occasion, Vegas provided a few blabber-worthy surprises… hence, the blabber.
Jason had to go to Las Vegas for a conference and I flew down to meet up with him less than a day later. Our pretty standard rendezvous ended up being not so typical in a few ways.
Surprise #1: the thorough groin pat-down I got at the airport. Apparently, those high-tech security machines sometimes mistake space for stuff. So loose-fitting clothes are not ideal travel apparel for those that prefer to pass on preflight groin massages. You learn something new every day.
Our balcony gave us a rare chance to observe Vegas from a peaceful perspective.
Surprise #2: the lightning storm that bombarded the hills around Vegas with constant surges of power the first night we were there. Our room’s balcony provided prime seats for this display and I think it was a better show than most I’ve seen in Vegas. I’m relatively certain the people swarming the streets below us didn’t have a clue that beyond the hotel towers and overpowering neons, nature was flashing them more enthrallingly than those girls in the club they just walked out of.
I didn’t bring my SLR camera to Vegas so I was forced to use a point and shoot on this lightning storm. It was almost unbearable.
Surprise #3: the weather. It wasn’t blistering hot. We’ve been to Vegas many times in the middle of summer and on none of those occasions would I call the weather “pleasant.” But this time, clouds and splatterings of rain cooled Vegas’ blazing temperament and left us comfortable.
Even during the day, Vegas was intriguing from above.
In other ways, Vegas was very standard during our stay. Its stellar entertainment did not surprise. Our first night, we went to Jersey Boys, which was fantastic. Jersey Boys is closing this month after running in Vegas for eight years so I’m glad we didn’t miss it. The next night we saw Evil Dead: The Musical. This show was silly and ridiculous and drenched in fake blood and crude remarks. It was just what we expected. I laughed so hard in a couple parts that my jaw froze.
I guess Vegas has been hiding a few aces up its sleeves all these years because this trip wasn’t our standard Nevada venture.
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