Cups, Coasters, and Watercrafts
Families are cool. Cool activities are cooler with a cool family. Here are a few unrelated cool things my cool clan has done together lately. (Yes, I know you are currently questioning the coolness of this content.)

A group of the ladies, and one unintentional man, went to Afternoon Tea at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City. This exceedingly-British affair featured elegant drinks and miniature foods. Posh teas and cocoas, scones with clotted cream, cucumber sandwiches, macaroons, madeleines, and harp music were all part of the tasteful experience. We extended our pinky fingers like pros at pomposity!

My parents paid for our entire gang to spend a day at Lagoon together as their Christmas present to us all. We went on a rather warm day with a large chunk of the fam and enjoyed ourselves despite the sizzle. We screamed and laughed on the Cannibal, Wicked, Colossus, Centennial Screamer, Tidal Wave, Rocket, Space Scrambler, Spider, and Dracula’s Castle. One of our nephews informed us he was officially a man because he had conquered the Cannibal, apparently the only prerequisite for manhood these days. We played carnival games for cheap prizes. We ate Dole Whips, frozen lemonades, and giant pretzels. We came home overheated and exhausted but amused. On a side note, if you find yourself at Lagoon, I’d recommend eating at the new beer garden. It offers large portion sizes of flavorful food and, more importantly, plenty of shade.

As a bonding adventure, the boys went rafting on the Weber River near Henefer. I received conflicting reports of this event with some depicting fearsome water and others a calm canal. The most accurate accounts indicate the river was fairly mild with Class II+ rapids on occasion. The only point all sources described as intense was the crossing of Concussion Bridge. This railroad overpass was so low to the water that everyone had to lie down in their boats, hence the headache. That nuisance didn’t dampen spirits though even if it dampened shorts. Splashing contests abounded, and the boys came back giggling and recounting incongruent tales of their exploits.
Don’t be jelly of my cool relatives; jelly is what goes on scones with clotted cream.
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