It’s a Long Story

My father is in his 60’s but he definitely doesn’t have the mentality of the typical 60 year old. A few weeks ago he expressed interest in getting a longboard, which is basically a longer faster version of a skateboard that’s meant for speedy cruising rather than doing tricks. We were all a little surprised that my dad wanted a longboard but not too surprised. After all, he is into paragliding and long-distance running and he claims that he would get a tattoo and pierce his ears if he didn’t have to look presentable for clients.

Jas with his new Never Summer longboard
Jas with his new Never Summer longboard, the board he finally FINALLY decided he wanted.

My family collectively decided that a longboard would be a great Father’s Day gift for my Daddy-O. Since Jason used to be into skateboarding when he was a young fry he was nominated to pick out this present. This afforded me the chance to scheme up a subplot of my own. For years Jason has said he would love to try longboarding if only he had someone to go cruising with. Now that my dad would have a board, and thus Jason would have a boarding buddy, I decided that it was time to get Jason his long-desired longboard. So when we arrived at Milo, our favorite board store, ready to shop for my dad I informed Jason that in addition to picking out a board for my father he would be picking out one for himself. He was surprised but very excited about this plan. We spent an hour and a half perusing Milo’s boards and changed our minds over and over again about which ones we liked best. But eventually we came to a decision… mostly because the store was closing so we had no choice.

Although I am still a very non-graceful learner
Although I am still a very non-graceful learner, Jason is the one that has already taken a spill. I guess even the klutzy get lucky sometimes.
Girl's rock! I've already named my board Blue Fin. It's an Arbor Fish Koa and it is awesome!

Despite how long it had taken Jason to choose a board for himself that night, by the next morning he already had plans to go back to Milo to exchange that board he had so laboriously selected. Yes, Jason’s decision making skills are on par with a politician’s. What I didn’t know was that Jason was not just vacillating, he was also scheming. He bought me an early birthday present when he went back to Milo to swap boards: a longboard of my own. He kept this board a secret for a few days until we were going to take his board out on its maiden voyage. That’s when he pulled my new board out of the dark recesses of his extremely chaotic closet. I was completely shocked! I’m pretty good at sniffing out Jason plots but I didn’t see this one coming.

All but one of my siblings came to my parent
All but one of my siblings came to my parent's house on Father's Day. We had a lot of fun riding around the neighborhood lake on our respective vehicles.
My dad the sk8er boi
My dad the sk8er boi

Jason and I have already taken out boards out a few times; they are a blast! We especially enjoyed going longboarding with my dad on Father’s day. Since all the members of my family were in on the gift many of them brought their own wheeled contraptions to my parent’s house knowing that my dad would probably want to try his new board out. My brother brought his waveboard, my sister and her fiancé brought their skateboards, and my nephew Jadon even brought his scooter. Another nephew, Miles, didn’t bring a traveling device of his own but he was fascinated by the longboards. He was very eager to ride them and we had a hard time getting him to get off even when he scraped up his knee and elbow.

Don't the boys look cool with their board props?

What a peculiar boarding gang we made! I’m sure we got some strange looks from the people walking by our odd group. It’s not every day you see a cluster of young kids riding scooters and scooting on boards alongside adults that look far too old for such hooligan activities.

Miles became an instant fan of the boards. He did
Miles became an instant fan of the boards. He didn't even notice when he scraped up his knee a bunch while he was riding one. He was having too much fun to pay attention to a little bleeding.
My sister Kristen and her fiance John held hands as
My sister Kristen and her fiance John held hands as they skateboarded. It was very cute but I am quite certain that if I tried to do something similar with Jason our romantic cruise would end abruptly when I fell off my board and onto the pavement.

I should warn the unsuspecting that the desire to longboard is like an insidious disease that spreads with shocking rapidity. My dad simply mentioned that he wanted a longboard and then all of a sudden Jason and I had one. And the boards continue to mysteriously mushroom among my family members; my sister’s fiancé John is now toying with the idea of getting one and I’m sure if Miles didn’t have a paranoid mother he would find some way to obtain one as well.

Here Comes Peter Cottontail

I think just about everyone has fond childhood memories of Easter whether they be of new Easter dresses, fancy ham dinners, creative egg coloring, or the thrill of the Easter egg hunt.

Wesley refused to put down
Wesley refused to put down the Elmo movie the Easter Bunny left him even while he searched for his Elmo eggs.

Because the Easter egg hunt was a favorite of mine as a child I do what I can to make sure that my nieces and nephews have great memories of it as well. That’s why I always contribute lots of goodies and toys for my family’s hunt every year. Since there are ten kiddies in my family, all age ten or younger, the hunt is a very popular event, and a little chaotic. The children can’t wait to get outside and find that stuff. Trying to hold them back is like trying to keep a herd of wild, short, and smiley bulls from charging.

The kids lined up at the door ready to race into the yard and start their hunt.
The kids eagerly lined up at the door ready to race into the yard and start their hunt.

Every year, in addition to toys and candy, I hide three golden eggs containing money. These are the most coveted eggs and definitely a crowd pleaser with the kids. The finders get the prestige of their success plus the riches the eggs possess. Yes, fame and fortune – just what every child wants.

Madison found the primo golden egg
Madison found the primo golden egg, the one containing 5 dollars. She was very pleased with herself.

Along with the traditional Easter activities Jason and I decided to do something not so conventional this year: snowboarding. A huge storm came in the day before Easter and dropped over 20 inches of fresh snow overnight and just two days before that it had snowed another 30 inches. Jason and I lacked the will to resist such a powdery temptation! So we spent the bulk of our Easter on the slopes. Fantastic! Thanks to most people being involved in holiday activities the resort was nearly empty. That paired with the absolutely fabulous powder and the warmth of spring made this a day for the record books, one of my favorite boarding days ever! Wow! I think snowboarding on Easter may become the norm for us.

We had a great Easter weekend thanks to some amazing fresh snow and fun family exploits!

The Allure of Spring

It’s that magnificent time of year again. The time when you can shed a few layers of clothing, forget about winter woes, and venture outside without freezing your keester off. Spring how I do love you!

For some reason Jeremy and I were confused
For some reason Jeremy and I were mistaken for a couple while we were running this race. It may look like Jeremy could be my significant other based off this picture but that was no lovey-dovey embrace. This was what was actually happening when this photo was taken: Jeremy was sticking out his stomach in an attempt to demonstrate how fat he is. It always makes me crazy when he does this because his abnormally extended belly just makes my guts hurt, which is precisely the reason why he does it so frequently. While I was attempting to push his stomach back in he was taking advantage of the proximity of my head and trying to force it into his enormous chest for what he terms "man num-nums".

Winter has definitely been retreating the last couple of weeks. I’ve gone running without a jacket, relaxed a little in my sunny backyard, barbecued steaks and corn on the grill, and watched my tulips and daffodils emerge from the ground.

Nothing seems sweeter than glorious spring sunshine after a dismal winter and I am always eager to get my share of those blissful rays. So, in order to get as much heavenly sunlight as possible, Jason and I have beefed up our running schedule and we participated in our first race of the year today, a 5k family Easter run sponsored by Lehi city. I managed to maintain my awesomely mediocre race pace from last year through the winter. It’s good to know that I’ve kept at least some of my muscle mass over the last few months and that I didn’t fall victim to winter flabbery.

The theme of the 5K was
This 5K was a "Hare Chase". I caught up to the hare within the first few minutes of the race. Poor guy - it can't be easy running in a bunny suit.

But running isn’t the only outdoor activity we have been trying to do more of recently; we haven’t let the lingering snow in the mountains stop us from taking out our bikes. Although it’s too early in the season for traversing our sweet peaks, riding our bikes on the Jordan River Trail has been a refreshing and nearly irresistible pastime for us as of late. Even after running our 5K today and feeling adequately exercised, the temptation of the trail was too overpowering to withstand. All that delicious afternoon sunshine lured us in like a warm and wily tractor beam. So we met up with Jason’s parents, Keith and Sue, for a 15 mile biking excursion. What can I say, I’m a sucker for sunbeams. Besides, there’s always time to be tired later. The divine season must be enjoyed while it lasts because if there is one thing I don’t like about spring it’s its fleetingness. Why doesn’t it stick around just a bit longer? Is that so much to ask? Winter’s chill fades into summer’s singeing heat far too quickly and spring often just seems like a breath between extremes. But I shouldn’t complain, for now I should just soak in all that spring goodness while it lasts. Ahhhh…

Jason's parents
Keith and Sue don't look particularly happy in this picture. Probably because Jason had just made them bike up an enormous hill...or tricked them into it rather.