I have been an avid Star Trek fanatic since I got hooked on The Next Generation series as a teenager. Yes, nerdery took root in me at a young age. I am not ashamed to say that I had a huge crush on Data the android through my teen years. While other girls my age salivated over Tom Cruise, Luke Perry, or the rockers in Guns N’ Roses- I dreamed of Data.

Being the diehard Trekkie that I am, I was super stoked when I heard that a new Star Trek movie was coming out. I wanted to make watching this movie a memorable event. So I plotted with my friend Cameron and together we amassed a group of 20 friends to witness this spectacular show together. Thanks Cam again for being in charge of ticket purchasing!

The unabashed geeks in our group wore Starfleet uniforms to the showing. I would have proudly been among them but unfortunately, due to the high volume of Trekkies with the same idea, I was unable to purchase such attire. All the sites online were sold out. So I settled for a t-shirt that says “I heart Data”.

The movie was fantastic of course- action packed, well written, and funny. It paid homage to the original series without being predictable. The casting was impeccably done and the special effects were breathtaking. I plan on catching it again in the next couple weeks- this time at an IMAX.
How Fun!!! We haven’t watched it yet- but hope to soon!
It was fun to go with such a big group of people! Thanks for bringing everyone together! Andrew and I really enjoyed the movie and we’ll probably go see again some time… Now I know how it feels to be pulled in, like all you original Trekkies. I’m feeling an obsession coming on. Lol.
Simone, I’m glad you enjoyed it. I thought it was a lot of fun to go with a horde of geeks too. Now that you have been sucked into the Trekkie universe…resistance is futile.
Hi Rac! Could you email me the 3 Star Trek Pics. I’d like to put them in my photo book so I need higher res. Yeah, I’m that behind! :0