Hunting for Memories
I remember going to my grandma’s house as a kid for Easter egg hunts. I impatiently awaited these yearly searches almost to the point of frenzy. It wasn’t just the prospect of some sugar, though that certainly was part of the joy, it was also the thrill of the quest.
In addition to the small amount of candy my parents allowed me and my siblings to seek out on these special occasions, we’d paint an enormous amount of hardboiled eggs for scattering. I don’t think we were nearly as concerned over discovering the whereabouts of the hidden eggs as the candy though because we’d frequently find a few of those dyed ovals months later buried in the flowerbeds when the pungent aroma of their sulfuric rot was too overpowering to ignore. But not a single morsel of sugar ever escaped our frantic scavenging, of that I can assure you.

Yes, I have plenty of warm recollections about Easter traditions, which is why I think everyone should have the opportunity to add Easter egg hunts to their list of “fond childhood memories.” Hence, I have always been a firm supporter and proponent of my nieces and nephews’ annual egg hunt. Jason and I contribute more toys, candy, and cash to this affair than any of the parents do. We are rewarded for our efforts by some hefty juvenile enthusiasm. The kids eagerly await the moment they are released into the yard as if looking for treats in the bushes is the most exciting activity they could possibly imagine. Once out they run about so manically that they miss half of what is plainly in front of them. It’s pretty entertaining.

The limited quantity money-filled golden eggs we hide are always the kids’ favorite but they do cause malcontent occasionally among the unsuccessful seekers. All the children walk away with a robust supply of sweets and toys though so their cash flow issues are soon forgotten.
I think Jason and I do a pretty fantastic job of creating memories for our young relatives. The Easter bunny doesn’t always bear an uncanny resemblance to a kind uncle but if you’re lucky he just might.
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