I would much rather play a sport than watch one; I’m not really a sidelines kind of girl. However, Jason and I still have a lot of fun going to sporting events especially if we are accompanied by some of our nutty friends who unfailingly provide extra sources of entertainment. Over the last couple of weeks we have attended the season opener for the Real Salt Lake and a playoff game for the Utah Grizzlies. Both games were pretty dang sweet. The Real made a thrilling goal in the very last seconds of their game tying up the score 2 to 2 and the Grizzlies wasted the Las Vegas Wranglers 5 to 1.
Our friends, Aaron and Wendy, came with us to the Real game. It was their first time attending a professional soccer match.
We had a great time watching both games and hanging out with our fellow sports enthusiasts. We’ve already got plans in the works of attending a few more Real games this summer and would love to have as many of you, or crazy compadres, with us as possible. If you would like your name to be included on the list of game goers we are now compiling let me know.
A lot of fans brought raw fish to the hockey game to feed the Grizzlies. They tossed it onto the ice when the Grizzles scored their first goal. Fish was flying through the air everywhere - it was a little crazy.The Rowleys came to the Grizzlies game with us. Silas caught a catapulted shirt during the event and he was so excited to wear his prize that he had to put it on immediately even though it completely drowned him. I guess a love of free t-shirts runs in the family.
Recently we went to an event sponsored by the Utah Film Commission. It was a screening at the Tower Theater of a locally made flick called Billy was a Deaf Kid. The actors, directors, and writers were all present at the screening so it had a bit of a Sundance Film Festival feel to it but it was much more low-keyed and unpresumptuous than Sundance.
The movie was entertaining. It was a little slow paced, like many other indie films, but it was still fun… and strange. It reminded Jason a lot of his childhood because even though the characters in it were adults they had remarkably juvenile mentalities. Their immature attitudes made the movie difficult and frustrating to watch in spots. Consequently, I don’t think I would have minded if the plot had involved a random cliff scene where a couple of them bizarrely plummeted to their death but I still found myself laughing frequently during the show despite my irritation.
This couch is famous. In the flick it gets ridden all over town and taken through a car wash. That car wash didn't do much for it though; it still looked its 30+ years.
After the movie the makers did a little Q and A session and the musician featured on the soundtrack, Paleo, did a mini-concert. It was a nice casual gathering and we enjoyed ourselves. Plus, we were glad to have an opportunity to support the local film industry.
We bought a copy of Billy was a Deaf Kid so if any of you, the awesome people we call friends, want to give it a watch let us know.
I think just about everyone has fond childhood memories of Easter whether they be of new Easter dresses, fancy ham dinners, creative egg coloring, or the thrill of the Easter egg hunt.
Wesley refused to put down the Elmo movie the Easter Bunny left him even while he searched for his Elmo eggs.
Because the Easter egg hunt was a favorite of mine as a child I do what I can to make sure that my nieces and nephews have great memories of it as well. That’s why I always contribute lots of goodies and toys for my family’s hunt every year. Since there are ten kiddies in my family, all age ten or younger, the hunt is a very popular event, and a little chaotic. The children can’t wait to get outside and find that stuff. Trying to hold them back is like trying to keep a herd of wild, short, and smiley bulls from charging.
The kids eagerly lined up at the door ready to race into the yard and start their hunt.
Every year, in addition to toys and candy, I hide three golden eggs containing money. These are the most coveted eggs and definitely a crowd pleaser with the kids. The finders get the prestige of their success plus the riches the eggs possess. Yes, fame and fortune – just what every child wants.
Madison found the primo golden egg, the one containing 5 dollars. She was very pleased with herself.
Along with the traditional Easter activities Jason and I decided to do something not so conventional this year: snowboarding. A huge storm came in the day before Easter and dropped over 20 inches of fresh snow overnight and just two days before that it had snowed another 30 inches. Jason and I lacked the will to resist such a powdery temptation! So we spent the bulk of our Easter on the slopes. Fantastic! Thanks to most people being involved in holiday activities the resort was nearly empty. That paired with the absolutely fabulous powder and the warmth of spring made this a day for the record books, one of my favorite boarding days ever! Wow! I think snowboarding on Easter may become the norm for us.
We had a great Easter weekend thanks to some amazing fresh snow and fun family exploits!
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