The Three S’s
It’s that time of year again. The time when thousands of film geeks, thespians, drama queens, movie stars, and posers descend upon Utah: the Sundance Film Festival. Every year Jason and I go through the hassle of getting tickets and the annoyance of waiting in long theater lines just to be a part of the madness, but we never regret it. This year went to 4 shows over the course of 5 days. Our first film, Lovers of Hate, had a fantastic Q&A afterwards with nearly all of the cast and the writer/director. Attending our next film, Four Lions, was a truly crazy experience. We arrived half an hour early and yet the best seats available were in the far side of the third row. The theater was so packed and the staff was being so strict about not saving seats that attendees that went to the bathroom or concession stand were in real danger of losing their chairs. The best show we saw this year, Boy, was filmed in New Zealand and starred the most adorable kid. It was a charming film brimming with nostalgic innocence.

We squeezed the viewing of these movies in between work, multiple family birthday parties, snowshoeing, and snowboarding…yes, all in a five day period.

Our day spent boarding in the midst of festival going was a delightful interlude. The snow was only mediocre but the sun and warm weather made for a fantastic time!

As soon as Jason and I returned home from boarding I packed up again and left for another adventure. My friend Fran had arranged for a girls’ escapade that night. A group of us ladies went snowshoeing at Sundance Resort under the guidance of the full moon. We hiked through vast fields of shimmering snow while the enormous moon drooped in the sky above us. Its glow seemed to make the whole world glisten and was only interrupted by the dappled shadows of the ghostly barren aspens that cut the skyline. Wow! It was absolutely breathtaking! After snowboarding all day and snowshoeing into the night I was completely exhausted when I returned home but very pleased with myself and what I had experienced. The following day Jason and I were back at the film festival and back into the lively cinema crowds – never a dull moment!

What an insane and fun week! We were never home and constantly tired but man did we have a blast!
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