John Mayer

Only two days after the Police concert John Mayer came to town. I love John Mayer but I delayed buying tickets to his show because I thought two concerts in three days might give me concert overload. I finally decided the day before the concert that I really wanted to see Mayer, even if I had just seen the Police.

I’m so glad that I decided to go. Mayer was awesome! I knew he was a good guitar player but I didn’t realize just how skilled of a musician he was until I saw him live. His albums don’t showcase his talent enough. That boy is amazing!

John Mayer
John Mayer

Every song he played was at least twice as long as the album version due to all the solos and blues riffs he dispersed throughout his performance. He was extremely energetic, goofy, and passionate. His love for his music and the guitar were very apparent.

I was also impressed with his appreciation for his audience. At one point he even started taking cameras from those in the front row and taking pictures of him with them.

It was fabulous concert! If you get a chance to see John Mayer live I would highly recommend it!

Happy Birthday Bubba!

Jason celebrated his slow approach to senility last week. He turned yet another year older. Way to go Jason!

As always, Jason absolutely refused to work on his birthday, which I think is a good policy. While I was at work he spent most of his time lounging, with a few productive things mixed in here and there. I left work early so we could go see Hellboy II, which was a cool flick. After the movie we headed up to SLC for dinner at a restaurant we had never tried before, Martine. I am a sucker for trying new restaurants. Martine specializes in tapas, which are pretty much appetizer sized entrees. Typically you get 2 or 3 tapas in place of a main dish. We had a table full of different tapas to try between us. It was a fun experience.

The food at Martine was surprisingly cheap for a gourmet restaurant. We were pleasantly surprised when we got our bill and it was only for $50, which included our desserts too.

The best thing we tried at Martine was the caramel covered grilled gingerbread served with vanilla gelato. Yum!

Of course, as always, my favorite thing about dinner was the company. Jas and I consistently have a blast when we go out together.

Jas with his “stock”
Jas with his “stock”

Jason was very excited to get some Google stock for part of his birthday present. That boy is a geek through and through and has been requesting Google stock for the last couple years. He was thrilled that he finally got some. I bought him a container of chicken stock to represent the stock he was getting. He didn’t get the joke.

The Police Please!

Jason and I went to the Police concert last night at Usana Amphitheater with Andrew and Simone. All I can say is wow!

The Stage
The Stage

We had absolutely fantastic seats. We were only about ten rows from the front. These seats were well worth the $200 price tag.

Sting, Andy, and Stewart were amazing! Listening to them you never would have guessed that they had just recently reunited after a 25 year hiatus.

Stewart Copeland on drums
Stewart Copeland on drums

I am too young to have been a fan of the Police when they were in their heyday. I was introduced to them when I was in high school, a decade after they broke up. I had been a fanatical Sting enthusiast for years and once I learned of the Police their music quickly became a favorite of mine as well.


Thankfully the audience at this concert was not super tame and lame. Most of the people around us never took their seats-so I didn’t either. I sung, clapped, screamed, and bounced around the whole night. I knew every word to every song without any thought. Listening to the Police was like listening to the soundtrack to my life-so familiar was every chord and word.


Although Sting is now 56, he still looks like he is in much better shape than me. That man has aged extremely well! The other members of the Police didn’t look like they had fared as well over the last twenty five years but Stewart Copeland still had it going on, banging away on the drums!

Wow! If they ever tour again, I will definitely be there.