Bolts at Boarding

Jason and I went snowboarding at Brighton today with Jeremy Sabin, Aaron Blakely, and Dave Oertli. The weather was supposed to be nice and we laughed when we saw the lights flashing at the entrance to Big Cottonwood Canyon signifying that weather conditions were bad and 4-wheel drive or chains were required. The roads were dry and the sky was not threatening so we couldn’t understand how the 1 inch of snow that the canyon had got overnight justified this warning.

The Brothers Sabin
The Brothers Sabin

But by the time we got near the resort, at the top of the canyon, we realized why these lights had been turned on. The roads went from completely dry to snow covered almost instantly. But of course that didn’t stop us. We boarded and enjoyed ourselves despite the horrendous gusts of wind. It wasn’t until around 2:30 in the afternoon that the weather finally halted our plans. It started thundering and lightning all around us. So the lifts closed down and we boarded down the mountain as quickly as possible. Being the highest point on a run when you are strapped to a metal containing board is not the best idea during a lightning storm.

The Boys
The Boys

The snow was really coming down by the time we left Brighton and the drive down the canyon took nearly 2 hours. But it was still worth it for a good day of boarding.

Aaron was nice enough to assist me today in my quest to become a better toe carver. With his help I improved my mad skills. I am excited to go boarding again and give toe carving another try, hopefully my ankle will cooperate.

Thanks Aaron for your patience!

Squinting in the Stabbing Snow
Squinting in the Stabbing Snow

What’s with that ankle?

Are you all dying to know what is wrong with my ankle? The answer is probably negative. But for the few who are curious here’s what I found out from my MRI:

One of my Peroneal tendons is torn. The Peroneal tendons are located behind the outer ankle bone and help stabilize and protect the foot and ankle. In my case it is the longer of the two tendons that is injured. The doctor seemed quite surprised that I had been participating in sports and physical activities over the last seven years with this injury. He obviously has had no experience dealing with the stubbornness of a Nelson. Nelson’s don’t let a little thing like a tear in a tendon stop them from playing soccer, running, snowboarding, mountain biking, or basically anything they feel like doing.

Peroneal Tendons
Peroneal Tendons

The MRI also showed a possible lesion in my ankle cartilage. The radiologist’s report was incomplete however so my doctor needs to gather further information before he will be able to assess if there is a lesion. He’s going to get back to me on that one.

So now what? Intensive physical therapy is the first step in making my ankle happy again. Hopefully, after six weeks of therapy my ankle will be good as new. If not, I may have to look into more invasive options. I have faith though in the toughness of my body, so I think physical therapy will do the trick.

The really hard thing now is that I am supposed to stay off my ankle as much as possible and avoid aggravating it while it is in the healing process. This is tricky for me because I don’t do sedentary. Hopefully my ankle heals before I become legally insane from sitting around too much.

My MRI Memoirs

MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a popular method used to image the soft tissues of the body. It works by creating a strong magnetic field instead of using ionizing radiation like an x-ray machine does. An MRI machine usually has a long slender tube that the patient has to lie perfectly still in for 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the type of test being done. As you can imagine this is prone to make those with claustrophobic tendencies, such as myself, a little crazy and often these patients have to be sedated.

Classic MRI Machine
Classic MRI Machine

I had my first experience with one of these machines this week. My ankle has been “chronically sprained” for seven years now. I sprained it playing soccer the spring before Jason and I got married and it has never been the same. I went to a doctor a couple years after this mishap, due to my ankle’s refusal to behave normally, but the doctor diagnosed it as a chronic sprain and said there was very little that could be done about it besides wearing an ankle brace.

Since I have had to tolerate the swelling and pain of this injury for years now, Jason convinced me that it was time to get a second opinion. I went to an orthopedic doctor that specializes in chronic injuries and he was very helpful. He has already come up with several ideas as to cause, and options for treatment. To help him correctly diagnose what is going on with my ankle he recommended getting an MRI.

Altaire MRI Machine
Altaire MRI Machine

Thankfully, the MRI machine I used was an Altaire®. It had a more open design that was friendlier to the claustrophobic prone. I was also grateful that I didn’t have to wear one of those open-back hospital gowns; I got to wear scrubs instead. Who wants to be stuck in a machine for over half an hour with a breeze blowing up their backside?

However, it was much harder to lie perfectly still than one might imagine-and much more uncomfortable. Nothing makes you want to twitch more than knowing that you can’t. But now it’s all done and hopefully it will give my doctor some useful information.