Welcome Wesley!
This Tuesday my family welcomed its newest member, Wesley Edmond Marshall. He is child number four for my sister Tonya. The little guy was two weeks overdue and was still not ready to come out, so, as with all her other deliveries, Tonya had to be induced. Even with the inducement Wesley was in no hurry to greet the world. Tonya went into the hospital Monday morning and Tuesday at 2:30 AM he finally made his appearance. He was 20 ½ inches long and weighed 8 lbs and 7 ounces.

While Mommy and Daddy were at the hospital we all took turns watching the Marshall kids. Uncle Jason took one of the longer shifts. Since he skipped out on work to play Uncle he was trying to get as much work done on his laptop as he could while he watched them. As he was in the midst of responding to numerous emails about Testopia bugs he noticed that the kids were being unnaturally quiet so he decided he better make sure they weren’t up to something. It turns out that they were indeed up to something. He found a large pile of food hidden in the playroom. The kids had watched Over the Hedge earlier that day and had decided that because Uncle Jason was being no fun and working instead of playing with them, that he was a grumpy old bear. So naturally they needed to sneak food past the grumpy old bear, just like in the movie. They had been involved in this sneakery for quite a while before Jason caught them. He got a good laugh over it.

Jason survived babysitting and Wesley arrived safely. So welcome sweet little boy to the clan, we’re a little crazy, but since you’ve got those genes too, I’m sure you’ll fit right in with all the nuts!

And just so everyone knows, my sister stole the name I picked out for one of my kids-Edmond-so don’t be surprised when I name a kid Edmond anyway.
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