Moab in Miniature

We visited Moab again this spring like we do every year. This time, instead of undertaking the most protracted hikes and activities possible, we made this a trip of the minute. Little hikes, short stops, and quick diversions added up to a busy but awesome weekend.

Moab is usually pleasant in March, but “pleasant” may have been a stretch this time. The first night, temperatures dropped below freezing. We encountered ice on our initial hike the following morning, which happened to be through Moonflower Canyon. Moonflower Canyon’s one-mile-roundtrip path doesn’t pass anything particularly interesting; I’m not sure I would recommend it unless you want an easy trek for kids. The rock art at the mouth of the canyon is cool though. It can be viewed by walking just south of the parking lot.

birthing and other mysteries
The Birthing Scene Rock seemed to function as a message board for the ancients.

The Birthing Scene, just a few minutes from Moonflower, was our next stop. This is a large boulder that has petroglyphs on all four sides, some of them quite singular. No hiking is required to reach this distinctive rock, making it a worthy stop for even halfhearted sightseers.

a dicey channel
Getting up this ravine, part of the hike to Funnel Arch, isn’t easy for the short and unskilled.
Funnel Arch
Funnel Arch’s substantial curves don’t see many visitors.

Our last outing along Kane Creek Road that morning was a hike to Funnel Arch. While this trail is only one mile in total, it requires a class five climb up a small cliff without a rope. Isn’t the necessity of a rope what makes a class five climb a class five climb? Luckily, Jason is a monkey when it comes to scrambling, and he was able to help me, and my stubby limbs, navigate this precipice. I wouldn’t recommend this trail to those with small children or a strong sense of self-preservation. Admittedly, Funnel Arch is magnificent and probably worth the bother.

Eye of the Whale
We’ve visited Eye of the Whale Arch before, but the afternoon light was more flattering this time.
an attractive anomaly
This pool isn’t usually present next to Sand Flats Road.

These short activities gave us the flexibility to get to our sunset photography tour with Tom Till on time, which was a Valentine’s Day present from Jason. Tom Till has been photographing Moab for about four decades. Although Jason and I are more familiar with Moab than its typical visitors, Tom showed us some spots we had never been. We got shots of Eye of the Whale Arch in pleasing afternoon light, took in the view from a secluded section of the Pinyon Interpretive Loop, and stopped for some reflection pictures in a couple fleeting ponds along Sand Flats Road. Normally, spare water is not part of Moab’s landscape, but it had gotten some serious rain in the preceding weeks. Capturing this atypical moisture was fun. Since I take portraits much more frequently than landscapes, I found Tom’s tour informative and interesting. My biggest lesson learned was noticing lighting changes; they are dependent not just on time of day but also on time of year.

season salt
La Sal means “The Salt.” Someone is going to get serious hypertension from that serving.

The next day, we went down to the newly designated Shash Jaa Unit of Bears Ears National Monument. I remain confused about whether this area is still slated to be called Bears Ears. Whatever its official name, I’d call it splendid.

You aren’t supposed to get up during vacations at 6:30, but we bucked habit to make it to House on Fire Ruins while light reflecting off canyon walls consumed it in daily flames. We trekked through Mule Canyon in time to photograph this midmorning phenomenon. Mule’s walls seemed to not only reflect the sun but a patient wisdom from watching civilizations spring up and disappear again over the eons. The stream flowing through it, probably much deeper and wider than normal, harmonized its tranquil chant to the hushed dignity of the vibrant hills.

House on Fire Ruins
For structures that burn every day, House on Fire Ruins are in pretty great shape.

After burning photos, we checked out Mule Canyon Ruins. These remnants are easy to get to and make a nice brief stop. The partially-excavated structures include a kiva, towers, and connecting tunnels.

Next, we hiked to Cave Tower Ruins. These ruins consist of seven structures surrounding a spring at the mouth of a canyon, most of which have crumbled to rubble over the last 700 years. Even though time’s tenacity has removed some of the interest of this site, its peace and presence justify a visit.

Remember, I said this was a trip of many short stops? Well, we kept stopping. Butler Wash Ruins was the next in our long string of distractions. This brief ramble leads to an overlook above a rock alcove filled with structures from the 1200s. These buildings are reminiscent of Mesa Verde, probably because the inhabitants of Mesa Verde heavily influenced the residents of Butler.

Faux Falls
Faux Falls does not look artificially constructed.

Somehow, after all those breaks, we made it back to Moab just in time for a photography experiment at Faux Fall. Although made in the 1980s by tinkering humans not God, this “fake” cascade looks anything but fake, and the cottonwoods and desert shrubs surrounding it don’t seem to mind either way. We wanted to make it to Faux Fall for sunset photos, and we did. As assumed, I took a surplus number of pictures.

Porcupine's preposterous powder
No, this isn’t normal for Moab in March.
Castle Valley
Castle Valley gets its name from its intense towers of Wingate sandstone.

Our last day in Moab, we hiked a portion of the Porcupine Rim Trail to a few viewpoints overlooking Castle Valley. We found this trail in an unusual state due to the odd combination of precipitation and chilliness that Moab had been experiencing. Snow covered large sections of the first portion. Slick mud bogged and streams of water flowed over the rest of the path making us glad we weren’t dragging our bikes that day. We didn’t see many jeepers, bikers, or dirt bikers, probably for the afore mentioned reasons. Muck made the going slow, but viewpoints made it meaningful. The whitewashed La Sals provided a stark contrast to the scarlets of sandstone and the jades of juniper and pinyon. The consensus? Both Jason and I were glad we trekked this trail, but we would pick other hikes to repeat before this one.

Porcupine Rim's prospects
The panoramas of Castle Valley are the best thing about Porcupine Rim.
Porcupine's plaster
We accumulated layers of brightly-colored mud on our shoes on Porcupine Rim. It was slippery, so I’m surprised we didn’t accumulate it on our butts.

We may not have embarked on any grandiose explorations during this visit to Moab, but we took in a lot of beautiful, and often-overlooked, components of an exceptional section of the planet.

Into Africa Part V: Amsterdam

Our time at Ulusaba went quickly. Our last game drive took us right up to when we needed to catch the first of our flights home. We just barely had a chance to finish packing before heading to the airstrip. We did not have time to take showers. Getting wet on our drive that morning didn’t count because it made us more stinky, which is opposite what an ideal shower should do. After about 10 hours in the Johannesburg airport and an 11.5-hour redeye flight back to Amsterdam, we reeked in multiple ways. If our morning breath didn’t get you, our safari funk would. It’s pretty sad when you think, Geeze, something smells foul in here, and then you realize that foul something is you.

Oude Kerk
The Oude Kerk was built in 1213. This historic sanctuary sits in striking contrast amidst the Red Light District’s gaudiness.

We were really worn out and ready to be home, lengthy showers didn’t change that, but we couldn’t waste a beautiful day in Amsterdam. Even Jason’s earth-shattering sneezes from the cold he picked up in Africa didn’t keep us from visiting the Oude Kerk and the National Maritime Museum.

Pull poo gently!
This misericord features a woman gathering excrement from a man and is meant to illustrate the Dutch proverb, “Pull gently at a weak rope.”

The Oude Kerk, Amsterdam’s oldest building, is an unusual church. Not only is it oddly placed in the middle of the city’s prostitution district, but it’s uncanny down to its bowels. When we visited, its wooden vaults were filled with a melodious cacophony. Ravens, melancholic rhythms, bomber strikes, kitchen clinks, and forlorn voices combined and lapped us in wave after wave of eerie composition. This din was provided by the Instrument of Troubled Dreams, a bizarre art instillation featuring a mellotron that guests could play. We lightheartedly created our own unsettling musical fantasies with this apparatus. That wasn’t the end of the unexpected eccentricity we encountered at this historical church though.

Basilica of Saint Nicholas
The Basilica of Saint Nicholas is much newer than the Oude Kerk. It only dates back to 1887.

The carvings under the folded seats in the Oude Kerk, known as misericords, feature representations of Dutch proverbs. One would expect bland depictions in an 800-year-old church, but some medieval craftsmen must have had a rather crude sense of humor. Instead of revered characters and noble deeds, think excrement. I jest not.

VOC Amsterdam
The original VOC Amsterdam shipwrecked on its maiden voyage in 1749. This replica hasn’t shipped enough to wreck.
directing Amsterdam
On the VOC Amsterdam, you can pull things, push things, and steer things.

After visiting the Oude Kerk, we walked to the National Maritime Museum. We only had about an hour and a half to explore it before closing. We spent the majority of that time discovering the replica of the VOC Amsterdam and examining the Royal Barge.

Royal Barge
The Royal Barge was built in the 1800s for a Dutch king. Royal barges were quite trendy at the time.

Perhaps Amsterdam was a fitting finish to our African journey. Its crest does feature two golden lions, amongst other things, and this trip was the shiniest gold lion we’ve ever received.

National Maritime Museum
The National Maritime Museum is located in a building that was constructed in the 1600s and was once used by the Admiralty of Amsterdam.

For days after our return, I dreamed of Africa every night as my brain tried in vain to process the marvels we had witnessed. My memories of that wondrously untamed place remain vibrant yet otherworldly. Every once in a while, I have to remind myself that they are real.

Into Africa Part IV: Safari Tips for South Africa

I’ve already shared the wonders of our African adventures now let me share some wonderful logistical tips. I had a lot of concerns regarding our safari since I wasn’t sure what to expect or what precautions needed to be taken. It was way out of my comfort zone and sphere of knowledge. Now, I have a gumball-sized sphere of knowledge on the subject to share. Don’t worry, it hasn’t already been chewed.

I should point out that these tips may not all be relevant for safaris in all parts of Africa; Africa is a large and diverse continent. They should be useful for South Africa, particularly the Sabi Sand Reserve. And if you happen to be headed to Ulusaba in February, this information might be just about perfect.

a petite pachyderm
Elephants were my favorite beasts we encountered.


When I first discovered malaria is endemic in Sabi Sand, I freaked out a bit. Since malaria pills make about a third of users sick in one way or another, I wasn’t super excited about taking them. I wasn’t keen on experiencing Africa while also experiencing diarrhea, delusions, or frank psychosis. After doing some research, Jason and I decided to have malaria pills on hand but not take them until we could determine if we would find any mosquitos in Ulusaba. This was a prudent choice because neither Jason nor I got bitten even once. We only encountered mosquitos briefly while driving in areas near water, and a thick layer of repellant was enough to keep them from snacking. We didn’t see any at the lodge.

There are several malaria prophylaxes available. The best one to use varies based on the region you are visiting. For South Africa, the most-commonly recommended is Malarone. The CDC provides information on their website about country-specific malaria risks and medications.

While only you can decide if a malaria prescription makes sense for you when heading into the bush, remember that malaria pills aren’t 100% effective in preventing the disease. So, regardless of whether you take medication, you’ll want to thwart bites. Here are some safeguards you can take to keep from being a mosquito’s meal:

  • Wear Insect Shield clothing. It’s permeated with a permanent and odorless insect repellant.
  • Wear pants. This will also keep your legs from getting burned while you are sitting in a vehicle for hours.
  • Treat your attire with permethrin before you leave on vacation. Permethrin spray stays on clothing for about six washes. As an added bonus, both Insect Shield and permethrin keep ticks away too, and you will likely encounter plenty of those.
  • Wear a hefty dose of insect repellant. This one should be obvious.
  • Sleep with mosquito netting around your bed. Many safari lodges, like Ulusaba, already have netting in place.


It is likely you will need to get some vaccines before traveling to Africa. What vaccines are necessary depends on where you are going. Our health department recommended Jason and I get MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) boosters and hepatitis A and typhoid vaccines. The CDC link above provides vaccination suggestions for different travel destinations, along with its information on malaria. Keep in mind, you will need to get your vaccines about a month before your trip to guarantee full protection. Don’t be thinking you can stop by the doctor’s office on the way to the airport.

a swanky scavenger
There are countless fascinating creatures to see on safari beyond the Big Five.


Never before has what to wear on vacation preoccupied so much thought as when we were planning our safari. If you don’t already have a significant amount of greens and khakis in your wardrobe, you may want to purchase some. Why khaki and green? You will blend into the background, and the animals will think you are just another tree or termite hill, I guess. If you don’t want to purchase foliage-colored frocks, don’t wear bright colors at the very least. And a word of caution on blacks and dark blues, it is not a myth that the flies in Africa are attracted to these hues. The flies are annoying. Don’t wear blacks and deep blues.

We were at Ulusaba for three days, and I only used a portion of the clothes I brought. You too will probably require less apparel than you think. What would I recommend packing in way of safari attire?

  • Two pairs of pants, one of these should zip off into shorts
  • A pair of sandals, you will wear these more than tennis shoes
  • Two t-shirts or other short-sleeved shirts
  • A long-sleeved shirt, it can get cold on early and late drives even if it is blistering in the middle of the day
  • A jacket
  • A wide-brimmed hat
  • A pair of lightweight tennis shoes

Most lodges, including Ulusaba, provide free laundry services. You don’t have to be stuck smelling like safari funk.

Unless you are going to be spending significant time walking around in the bush, hiking shoes are probably not a good use of luggage space or weight. For our hour-long bush walk, I just wore tennis shoes, and they worked fine.

While you could get rained on, you may or may not need to pack a poncho. Ulusaba had the nicest ponchos I’ve ever used available for guests. Check with your lodge before bringing a poncho or other potentially unnecessary items.

misconstrued cubs
Hyenas are interesting animals that don’t deserve their negative reputation.


I am an overly-prepared person. Being overly prepared for our safari while only carting limited pounds of luggage was difficult but obligatory. Flights into remote lodges are not aboard Boeing 707s or anything with more than one propeller usually. We lucked out with our Federal Airlines’ flight. Our 10-seat plane was fairly comfortable and had air conditioning. Apparently, this is about as posh as these little aircrafts get. Still, we had a weight limit on our bags. So, leave the bricks at home, or put them in your carryon.

Also note, on some of these flights, hard-sided and/or roller luggage may not fit or even be allowed. Some charter flights only permit duffel bags. We thought it better to just pack in duffel bags in case, a precaution that wasn’t necessary for our particular flight. Still, better safe than bagless. Make sure you know the weight and size restrictions of your flights.

Duffel bags are mostly fine to travel with. The main problem with them is that they are too flexible to protect anything from getting smashed. To remedy this, we bought plastic crayon boxes and used them to keep sunscreen tubes from squirting everywhere and souvenirs from being crushed, a solution that worked well.


I am a professional photographer, so these tips may not apply to selfie takers. I took over 2,600 pictures while in South Africa. The vast majority of these I shot on our drives with a telephoto lens (100-400mm). This is the lens you will likely use for 90% of drive pictures. If you don’t have one, they can be rented from many lodges with advance notice.

Dust is not a friend of camera equipment. I kept it out of mine by covering my camera with a microfiber yoga towel while holding the SLR on my lap for easy access. I also took two camera bodies and had my regular (24-105mm) lens on the other body; I didn’t want to have to change lenses while out on a drive.

Our vehicle had plenty of room for a smaller backpack to be kept at our feet. We used it to carry a few extra things like a tripod. My tripod didn’t get used much, but it proved handy for taking shots of our vehicle and all its passengers.

a spotted spotting
Leopards can be hard to find, but we found them frequently.


If you have adventurous friends, take them on safari with you. A group of chums is a highly useful item to pack on your expedition. Our vehicle was filled with buddies, and it made the drives even more satisfying. Of course, your safari could be an opportunity to make new friends.


The wilds of Africa are full of life, including bugs. You will most likely consume fancy meals outside while on your safari. Beetles will be sharing your table with you. Just accept that and things will go a lot smoother for you.


I feel this bears mentioning for the picky poopers out there. You need not fear when traveling to South Africa. The bathrooms in that country are tidier than the ones in the United States on average. Many of them even have attendants who are engaged in constant cleaning.

What about bathrooms in the bush? The bad news is that there are no bathrooms on the game drives. The good news is that you probably won’t be eaten by an animal if you have to relieve yourself during a drive. The tinklers in our group all urinated in safety, but I’d bring your own toilet paper if I were you.

That concludes my safari advice. With a little preparation, your expedition will likely be one of the most memorable experiences of your life.