Jason and I rarely miss an opportunity to live it up. We firmly believe that life is worth celebrating and what better excuse to party than reaching nine years in an amazing marriage. It was Jason’s turn to be in charge of the anniversary revelries this year and he wisely chose Las Vegas, the partying Mecca of the world, as our celebration location.
We stayed at a hotel on the strip, the Palazzo, in a room overlooking the strip. It was surprisingly entertaining watching the constant bustle of people and Treasure Island Resort’s Sirens show from our birds-eye view. All that cannon fire, smoke, and lighting looked pretty cool from 24 floors up.
As sweet as the view from our hotel window was, surveying tiny swarms of people could not keep me from my true purpose. For there are two things I love about Vegas: the excellent shopping and the amazing food. Jason is a smart man; he knows that I’m quite fond of both of these things and that they go a long way in increasing Rachel vacation satisfaction. So he planned for a day of shopping and assumed the risk to our wallets. We found a great shopping center, Town Square, just south of the strip. Among its many stores was a large H&M – the reason we chose this particular shopping venue. An unanticipated plus of purchasing at this center was that getting from store to store required walking outside, which meant an opportunity to have some rays intersperse our shopping experience. This turned out to be a rather big plus because the temps were in the high 70’s and low 80’s the entire time we were in Vegas, with never even a hint of a cloud in the sky. Ahhh…sunshine and shopping …I felt like I had gone to consumer heaven.
That is the smile of a woman in shopping bliss. Pay attention men for while that look means your woman is uncharacteristically happy it also means your wallet may be terminally ill.
Jason fulfilled my desire for some first-rate food by taking me to dinner at Mon Ami Gabi, a French restaurant located in the Paris hotel. The filet mignon with a Merlot butter sauce I ordered was super yummy! I’m drooling just remembering how it seemed to practically melt away in your mouth. Delicious!
This is me and Jason after we ate so much we could barely walk back to our hotel room.
In between burning through money and chowing down we found time to attend the Cirque du Soleil show LOVE, which features Beatles music. We loved it! Jason said it reminded him of a dream and I definitely agree that it had an intoxicatingly imaginative dreamlike quality.
Jason and I were trying to appear groovy here but it didn't quite work. We would probably need some hard drugs in our systems to really pull off that look.
We also couldn’t resist spending a little time reading books by the hotel pool. With weather that nice who could refrain from sneaking in a little sun? And what sane person would want to refrain? Certainly not me.
It was a great trip but that’s no surprise. After all, I prefer spending Jason’s money over anyone else’s and there’s no one I’d rather stuff my face with until I feel like I might possibly vomit. A great trip, a great marriage, a great man – life is pretty darn great!
Valentine’s Day activity planning was my task this year. I opted for something Jason was sure to love: spending a couple days at the Canyons Resort and on the slopes. (The terrific “Pair Pass” deals the Canyons has right now made the choice a relatively easy one.)
This is one of those cheesy self-taken snapshots but I still like it.
Although the Canyons Resort is historically important to both of us, we haven’t boarded there in years. For Jason it represents the magnificence of his glory days. While he was in college he got season passes there every year and literally arranged his whole life, and school schedule, to optimize his time on the mountain. The Canyons for me holds significance of the bittersweet variety: my very first attempt at boarding took place there. Ah yes…the pain, the misery, the beginnings of a hobby that I now absolutely love.
I got a better picture of Jason jumping this time...at least in one sense. He looks a little like an eagle impersonator in this shot.
I decided that rather than squishing everything into Valentine’s Day weekend I would prolong the fun by taking Jason up to the Canyons the weekend before. Jason, as expected, was very excited about my Park City plan. We headed up on Thursday night and had a delightful dinner at Café Terigo. (If you ever go there I would highly recommend their bread pudding with hot butter rum sauce. It’s divine!) The next morning we woke up, put on our snow gear, walked a couple minutes to the gondola, and headed up the mountain. Ahhhhh….the simple pleasures of waking up and moseying on out to the lift. Does life get any sweeter? Hint: the correct response is “no”.
This is me on Saddleback, a run that was once my nemesis. We are good buddies now.
It snowed practically the entire morning as we boarded, which helped to make the runs decent, but sadly the snow was still not as excellent as it could have been. Nevertheless, we relished our chance to ride the Canyons’ seemingly infinite terrain. I also found great satisfaction in riding down Saddleback, the very first run I tried to board over a decade ago. I too vividly remember that first endeavor; it was an endless succession of falling. It took me over an hour to make it back down to the lift and my knees and butt were so bruised I could have been mistaken for a chimney sweep. That’s why I found great pleasure in riding this hill once again and not falling, not taking over an hour, and not bruising myself. Yes, the ecstasy of no longer being a beginner is astounding.
Here's Jason outside our lodge trying to look tough.
After a full day of boarding Jas and I were not done gallivanting about. We headed down to Salt Lake City to see the Big Bad Voodoo Daddy play with the Utah Symphony. Wow! I’ve always been a fan of these guys but they were even better live than I had anticipated! After the concert I got to meet the band and get their autographs. Their lead singer even graciously offered to take a picture with me. Sweet!
Here I am with Scotty Morris of the Big Bad Voodoo Daddy.
I must say that my Park City plans worked out quite well but, then again, planning is one of my fortes.
Although our weekend was lovely, the Valentine’s Day surprises aren’t over for Jason. Next weekend is sure to bring awesomeness! Awesomeness that will certainly be the topic of another longwinded Rachel blog.
I had to travel to New York City last week to attend the Society of Cosmetic Chemists’ annual scientific meeting. Since this was the third time I have been sent to NYC on business, and Jason has never traveled with me, we decided to remedy that this trip. Jason was very excited to tag along to the big apple, especially since he’s never been to NY. We wanted to make sure we had adequate time to explore Manhattan so we stayed a few extra days after my seminar to sightsee and visit with our friends the Rowleys, who currently live in New Jersey.
This is me hanging out at the Rockefeller Center.
Though we were only out in NY for a week, we packed our days and managed to experience a lot. We went shopping on Fifth Avenue and at 34 Street’s famous Macy’s. We wandered through Time Square and Central Park. We also visited the Rockefeller Center. At the Rock we saw its legendary Christmas tree all lit up, ate dinner at a restaurant directly adjacent to the skating rink (It was super yummy!), and toured NBC’s studios. Because we did the NBC tour on Saturday we were able to see more studios than average, four in total, including the one where SNL is filmed. The SNL studio was in the process of being set up for the show that night; one of the actors was present and we all stared at him through the glass but honestly I can’t say I have any idea who he was. I was really hoping we would run into Taylor Lautner, Mr. Jacob Black himself. He was hosting SNL that evening and was somewhere in the building getting ready for dress rehearsal. But alas, fate was not on our side and we saw no trace of him. Sigh. Despite the absence of a Taylor sighting we thoroughly enjoyed hanging at the Rock, especially since it made us feel a little like being on 30 Rock, one of our favorite TV shows.
Here I am in Central Park.
The Rockefeller Center wasn’t the only site we visited in NY that rocked however. We visited the Museum of Modern Art and viewed an unbelievable number of famous paintings from Picasso, Matisse, Dali, Andy Warhol, Pollock, and van Gogh…just to name a few. My absolute favorite painting at the MoMA, and one of the highlights of my trip, was van Gogh’s Starry Night. I had no idea that painting was even here in America so when I randomly came across it in a gallery at the MoMA I was surprised and thrilled. Seeing van Gogh’s brushstrokes up close added a whole new dimension to one of my most loved paintings. It was incredible! The MoMA also had a limited-time Tim Burton exhibit on display. It was full of his artwork and sculptures and props from his movies. Jason thought it was fantastic!
We randomly found this bizarre and fun Kidrobot store while meandering through Soho.
As cool as the MoMA was, it’s just one of many awesome museums in NYC. We went to the Museum of Natural History with the Rowleys and even though we spent a whole day there we could have spent many more. The exhibits seemed to go on and on. Although we only saw a fraction of the museum, we enjoyed what we did see.
Jeremy, Silas, Jason, Milo, and Amber behaving like monkeys at the Museum of Natural History.
New York City doesn’t just have tremendous museums though; the cuisine options there are nearly limitless. We took on the task of sampling as much as we could. (It’s a hard job but someone’s got to do it.) We ate at the Carnegie Deli a couple times (best pickles ever), Ray’s Pizza, an Ethiopian restaurant, and Ninja New York. Ninja New York was Jeremy Rowley’s restaurant pick. At the Ninja much of the menu is served set ablaze and Ninja’s jump out and scare you periodically. It was a fun experience and the food was pretty tasty.
This is Jason at the Ninja with his Bon Sai dessert.
Of course, a trip to NY is not complete without attending a Broadway show. Jason and I went to Wicked and absolutely loved it; it was definitely worth the ticket price.
Wow! Now that's a slice! That's me and my Ray's Pizza.
In addition to all the amazing sites Jason and I saw together, Jason had a few of his own New York moments. While I was at my seminar he hung out with Jeremy quite a bit. They visited Chinatown and Little Italy, ate at the oldest pizza place in the U.S., perused the world famous Midtown Comics bookstore, pushed pigeons off the Empire State Building, and visited the New York Public Library. At the library they felt compelled to reenact scenes from Ghostbusters and The Day After Tomorrow, which apparently required sneaking into sections that were not open to the public. Those bad boys!
Jason entered a roped off section of the library so Jeremy could take a picture of him reenacting the first scene in Ghostbusters.
Even though there is more than plenty to see in NYC we made sure we left some time for playing games with the Rowleys. After all, no one wants to see a grown man cry especially if that grown man is crying because he didn’t get enough board game action. Actually, Jeremy pretty much insured that ample board games would be played by trapping us in his house for a couple nights…I mean letting us stay with them a couple nights. Just kidding; we really appreciated the Rowley’s hospitality and had a blast spending time with them. Thanks guys!
Jeremy decided to cover his face with his Ethiopian bread and silence the lambs.
We had a great time! We enjoyed visiting with friends and chillin’ in New York City! But…this trip made me realize with 100% certainty what I have always suspected: I am not cut out for the big city life. Crowds of people everywhere, congested traffic that never eases, skyscrapers that block out the sun…I was extremely happy to see my snow covered Rockies through the plane window as we descended into Salt Lake City. Their graceful open slopes meant I was home. Loved to see you New York but wouldn’t want to be you!
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