Here Comes Peter Cottontail
I think just about everyone has fond childhood memories of Easter whether they be of new Easter dresses, fancy ham dinners, creative egg coloring, or the thrill of the Easter egg hunt.

Because the Easter egg hunt was a favorite of mine as a child I do what I can to make sure that my nieces and nephews have great memories of it as well. That’s why I always contribute lots of goodies and toys for my family’s hunt every year. Since there are ten kiddies in my family, all age ten or younger, the hunt is a very popular event, and a little chaotic. The children can’t wait to get outside and find that stuff. Trying to hold them back is like trying to keep a herd of wild, short, and smiley bulls from charging.

Every year, in addition to toys and candy, I hide three golden eggs containing money. These are the most coveted eggs and definitely a crowd pleaser with the kids. The finders get the prestige of their success plus the riches the eggs possess. Yes, fame and fortune – just what every child wants.

Along with the traditional Easter activities Jason and I decided to do something not so conventional this year: snowboarding. A huge storm came in the day before Easter and dropped over 20 inches of fresh snow overnight and just two days before that it had snowed another 30 inches. Jason and I lacked the will to resist such a powdery temptation! So we spent the bulk of our Easter on the slopes. Fantastic! Thanks to most people being involved in holiday activities the resort was nearly empty. That paired with the absolutely fabulous powder and the warmth of spring made this a day for the record books, one of my favorite boarding days ever! Wow! I think snowboarding on Easter may become the norm for us.
We had a great Easter weekend thanks to some amazing fresh snow and fun family exploits!
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