Horsing Around

I like to plan unusual activities in honor of Jason’s birthday. He’s an amazing guy that deserves all of the creativity I can muster. This year, for my innovative party scheme, I decided to invite a few friends to saddle up with us in the Red Ledges area of Heber Valley at KB Horses. Since Jason is not exactly an equestrian expert, this outing certainly was a celebration surprise for him, hopefully a pleasant one.

The route we rode went over footpaths, dirt roads, rocky hillsides, and pavement.
The route we rode went over footpaths, dirt roads, rocky hillsides, and pavement.

I arranged for everyone in our party to have an hour-long trail ride at KB with a training session beforehand, which seemed about the right length to get the saddle without the sore. As it turns out, quite a few among us had never ridden a horse before. Since my youth was spent in a rural area, amply supplied with all sorts of mounts, this widespread inexperience flummoxed me but I was pleased that the greenies were finally getting a chance to give it a go.

My horse was named Dee Dee. Out of all the ponies, the wranglers loved her best.
My horse was named Dee Dee. Out of all the ponies, the wranglers loved her best.

With eleven of us in total, our company of buddies was slightly too large to all ride together. So, instead, we split into two groups with Jason joining both bands. The morning of our adventure, the temperatures were a little on the uncomfortably hot side but everyone seemed cool with that, especially the bunch of us that had shrewdly volunteered to sacrifice sleep and take the earlier of our two riding times, leaving the muggier slot for the sluggish chumps.

Our party had to be split into two riding groups due to our size. This gang was the first bunch of riders.
Our party had to be split into two riding groups due to our size. This gang was the first bunch of riders.
This descent included enough stones and dips to make it pretty interesting.
This descent included enough stones and dips to make it pretty interesting.

In contrast to some of the steeds I’ve straddled on trail rides before, the ponies at this ranch weren’t mechanical mounts. They had unique personalities and a zest for life, sometimes a naughty zest. One of them liked to bite the others and another, Maverick, kicked anything that strayed too close to his rear. A few tried frequently to taste the sweet grasses along the way and Lee’s horse, Howdy, decided to lay down and take a nap while Lee was still on him. Oopsies! Fortunately, Lee was not harmed. Yes, like their riders, these were an amusing bunch of animals.

Jason is definitely no expert when it comes to horses but he managed pretty well on Shiloh.
Jason is definitely no expert when it comes to horses but he managed pretty well on Shiloh.

After our equine adventures, we stopped for lunch at the Spin Café in Heber. Their fries weren’t quite their usual goodness that day for some reason but their gelato did not disappoint.

Our second group consisted of Lee, Aimee, Tom, Jacob, Sara, and the birthday boy.
Our second group consisted of Lee, Aimee, Tom, Jacob, Sara, and the birthday boy.

Life goes by faster than a yeehaw on a yardstick. One day you’re finally big enough for He-Man Underoos and the next you’re onto big-boy diapers. It all passes too quickly not to stop and ride the horses. Happy birthday Jason!

P.S. I would recommend KB Horses. They seem to treat their animals well and their guides do a great job.

Relative Competitors

The ladies in my family gave the entire gang of boys a group gift for Father’s Day this year: a golf outing together. After all, boys, bonding, and big sticks belong together.

Everyone's got their own swing; Drew's just looks more absurd than most.
Everyone’s got their own swing; Drew’s just looks more absurd than most.

According to the family rumor mill, the men quite enjoyed themselves, although it was pretty hot. My dad’s team, despite his partners being the youngest members of this masculine consortium, won the game.

Nine members of my clan went on this sporty outing.
Nine members of my clan went on this sporty outing.
Despite his seeming glumness, Benson did have a good time.
Despite his seeming glumness, Benson did have a good time.

Breakfast at IHOP followed this prestigious match so that those trounced could drown their losses in syrup, one of the better balms for defeat.

The little guys were spent by the end of the tournament.
The little guys were spent by the end of the tournament.
Drew decided to coach Jadon at the end of the game when his pointers were pointless.
Drew decided to coach Jadon at the end of the game when his pointers were pointless.

I guess it just takes a little turf and some pars to tie a family together.

Sweat & Seals

Sometimes, as adults, we think we’re too cool or grownup for “childish” pursuits. Fortunately, I don’t think I’m too old or hip for anything so when Jason suggested that we continue celebrating my birthday way past the point of reasonableness with a trip to Hogle Zoo, I consented. Neither of us had been to our local zoo for at least fifteen years so we both felt like it was about time we revisited it.

Maturing past wonder may be a common phenomenon but Jason and I plan on never letting amazement seep away, no matter how ancient our bodies become.

Hogle Zoo has changed substantially since the last time I was there. They’ve made use of the Zoo, Arts, and Parks tax to overhaul most of their habitations. Overall, they actually appear to have a lot less animals than previously but the species that they do possess have much larger habitats now and seem to be significantly more content.

These grizzlies are siblings and they certainly acted like it.

The day we went to the zoo, the sun’s blasting rays felt more like death rays. We were there from about 11:00 to 2:00 and I was literally dripping with perspiration by the time we left. Becoming a human faucet felt a little undignified and gross but the beasts didn’t seem to mind.

Another fake nest = another opportunity for silliness.

In general, it was a pleasant afternoon. It took Jason and me a bit to recover from our heat exposure but, now that the sweat marks have been washed out of my clothes, I’m feeling pretty good about the experience. I’d argue that you are never too aged or sophisticated to laugh at bears’ horseplay or to appreciate seals’ aquatic maneuvers. I plan on not ever being that mature.