The Maine Attraction Part I: the Coast

The company that Jason works for pays for him and his family (i.e. me) to go on a vacation once a year. We had a hard time narrowing down where we wanted to go for 2013. In the end, we decided on a part of the United States that we had never visited but had always wanted to: Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire. New England’s charm, beautiful coastline and vibrant fall foliage was a salty recipe for retreat that we couldn’t resist taking a bite of.

Portland Head was commissioned in 1790 by George Washington. It's Maine's oldest lighthouse.
Portland Head was commissioned in 1790 by George Washington. It’s Maine’s oldest lighthouse.
The lobster shack by the Cape Elizabeth lighthouses had the best lobster I've ever eaten and probably ever will.
The lobster shack by the Cape Elizabeth lighthouses had the best lobster I’ve ever eaten and probably ever will.

New England is a big chunk of land with lots to keep your eyes and feet occupied so choosing where to spend our time was not easy. I read a 400-page travel book as I puzzled over this quandary and researched a whole lot on Trip Advisor. Our friends were no help as none of them have ever been to this region but I think I sorted out a pretty good itinerary for our excursion without the assistance of acquaintances.

Cape Elizabeth's twin lights weren't open to the public but they were still pretty from afar.
Cape Elizabeth’s twin lights weren’t open to the public but they were still pretty from afar.
I wish we could have spent more time at the Inn at Sunrise Point. It was a tranquil and pretty place.
I wish we could have spent more time at the Inn at Sunrise Point. It was a tranquil and pretty place.

We flew into Boston and began traveling up the coast, staying our first night in Portland, Maine. We found Portland, Maine’s only real city, quaint and historic. Whiffs of briny air hit us now and then as we wandered through the cobblestone streets of its Old Port district and took in the scenic shoreline from its Eastern Prom Trail. Delightful.

The "sand" on Sand Beach is mostly composed of the remains of marine life. Graveyards don't usually look this nice.
The “sand” on Sand Beach is mostly composed of the remains of marine life. Graveyards don’t usually look this nice.
The Ocean Path Trail wound through one gorgeous vista after another.
The Ocean Path Trail wound through one gorgeous vista after another.

While in that town we toured the magnificent Victoria Mansion, circa 1858, widely regarded as the most ornate dwelling from its time period left in the country. Beyond exploring that spectacular building, we couldn’t leave Portland without also checking out its famous lighthouses: Portland Head and the twins of Cape Elizabeth. Lighthouses in Maine? Funny you should ask. Maine’s shores are guarded by 66 lighthouses, 52 of which are still in working order. Why so many? The coast of this state is more hazardous than most. Rocks + fog = ship booboo = sad panda. It’s easier than algebra. Although somewhat antiquated with today’s newfangled technologies, lighthouses still service small watercraft and conjure romantic notions of a tough solitary existence. In short, when in Maine, visiting at least a few of these steadfast beacons is practically mandatory.

Just another candid moment.
Just another candid moment.
Thunder Hole, a naturally-formed inlet, was so named because of the roaring sound trapped air makes each time a wave crowds in.
Thunder Hole, a naturally-formed inlet, was so named because of the roaring sound trapped air makes each time a wave crowds in it.

After leaving Portland, we stopped in Freeport to visit L.L. Bean’s flagship store, a strange request of Jason’s, and check out a few other shops that featured local handmade pottery and jewelry. (Yes, I did purchase some. Do you really need to ask?) Then, we settled in for the evening near Camden at the Inn at Sunrise Point. Don’t let the “inn” in that name mislead you, we were really staying at a private cottage on the beach. Ahhhhh. Our “Rachel Carson” cottage was lovely: a giant wall of windows looking out over the ocean, a porch with wicker rockers to encourage relaxation, a gas fireplace and a monstrous jetted tub. Following our arrival, we walked along its rock-strewn beach under the dreamy light of the nearly-full moon and then cozied up by our fireplace with good books. After that thorough unwinding, we cracked our windows just enough that a refreshing ocean breeze drifted in as the rhythmic pulsing of the waves carried us off to sleep.

The red sun hitting the pink cliffs below Bass Harbor lighthouse created this blaze of color.
The red sun hitting the pink cliffs below Bass Harbor created this blaze of color.
Taking pictures was one of my favorite pastimes on this trip. The area's dramatic shorelines and cascading flows provided endless subjects matter.
Taking pictures was one of my favorite pastimes on this trip. The area’s dramatic shorelines and cascading flows provided endless subjects matter.

As for Camden, a classier and more charming New England village you will not find. Before we continued on our way north, we took a little time to stroll its picturesque streets and catch an aerial view of the surrounding bay from Mount Battie, a 780-foot verdant outcropping that gently rises behind Camden’s pleasing avenues.

The fiddler on the roof? No, just Jason on the rocks below Bass Harbor Head Light in the near-night
The fiddler on the roof? No, just Jason on the rocks below Bass Harbor Head Light in the near-night.
Leave it to Jason to capture this moment of contemplative entrancement.
Leave it to Jason to capture this moment of contemplative entrancement.

Too soon we were moving north again or, as the locals put it, Down East. After a couple of detours to check out the Fort Point lighthouse and fatten ourselves further with lobster rolls from yet another waterside shack, we arrived at our last coastal destination: Bar Harbor. Bar Harbor, located on Mount Desert Island just outside Acadia National Park, has an outdoorsy touristy feel that caters to the wannabe-naturalist crowd but it’s still a cute town. In Bar Harbor we gobbled some of the best ice cream I’ve ever eaten, however, we spent most of our non-gorging hours inside Acadia, America’s second-most visited national park. With lush forests rimmed by cliffs of pink granite that plunge into the ocean, it’s easy to see why Acadia attracts 2 million visitors each year. Since our time was limited, we had to choose wisely which of its 125 miles of trail options to hit. It was difficult but I believe even that last knight of the Crusades would be proud of our decision.

The Bass Harbor lighthouse was truly a photographer's dream. I got over ten mosquito bites on my feel while trying to capture its descent into darkness but I didn't even notice.
The Bass Harbor lighthouse was truly a photographer’s dream. I got over ten mosquito bites on my feet while trying to capture its descent into darkness but I didn’t even notice.
The sun and I have a precarious relationship; no matter how much I love it, I always end up getting burned. Still, it felt right to welcome it to a new day from on top of Cadillac Mountain, it being the star and all.
The sun and I have a precarious relationship. No matter how much I love it, I always end up getting burned. Still, it felt right to welcome it to a new day from on top of Cadillac Mountain.

We walked the Ocean Path Trail, a 4.4-mile stroll along Acadia’s jagged coastline, our first day in the park. It was a mellow and beautiful meandering. The following morning we set sleep and mellow aside to embark on some sunrise madness. Cadillac Mountain, at a whopping 1,530 feet, is, oddly enough, the tallest peak on the Eastern Seaboard north of Brazil. (No snickering please Utahans.) Because of its eastern location and height, it’s the first place in the country to see the break of day each morning. It’s a longstanding tradition among tourists and locals alike to greet the rising sun from atop Cadillac’s rounded dome and, hence, be one of the first in the country to see a new dawn. Jason was a little reluctant to get up at 4:55 AM (2:55 back home) to greet anything but he gave in to my enthusiasm and, thus, we found ourselves out in 37 degrees with the wind hustling around us as we waited for the arrival of that glowing orb. It was bitterly cold but I’d like to think it was worth it…I’m pretty sure it was.

For how short the South Bubble is, climbing it supplied a surprising amount of exercise and adventure.
For how short the South Bubble is, climbing it supplied a surprising amount of exercise and adventure.
Scaling rungs and squeezing into crevices was required to reach the top of the South Bubble. Awesome!
Scaling rungs and squeezing into crevices was required to reach the top of the South Bubble. Awesome!

Since we were already up, I convinced Jason that we might as well hike to the top of another mountain. He was a little resistant to this plan but he eventually caved to my stubbornness. (Are you seeing a pattern here?) I only had to wear a beanie, gloves, a sweater and three jackets to stay marginally warm as we made our way up the South Bubble. You westerners might laugh a little about me even calling the South Bubble a “mountain” since its summit is only 766 feet above sea level but, apparently, that’s what it technically is. Our chilly jaunt was too early and frigid for all but the senseless and stupid so we saw absolutely no one on the Bubble and only ran into other wanderers as we neared the last curves of Jordan Pond, a deep glacier-made lake that we circled to reach our “mountain.”

Bubble Rock was dropped by a melting glacier 15,000 years ago.
Bubble Rock was dropped by a melting glacier 15,000 years ago.
Much to Jason's delight, I am always willing to be a photo's fool.
Much to Jason’s delight, I am always willing to be a photo’s fool.

And, thusly, we ended our time on the coast and began our trek inland. I will save our adventures in New England’s interior for next week. I wouldn’t want to add too much excitement or too many thoughts of lobster to your lives.

The Pros of the Con

Jason and I have attended San Diego Comic-Con for a few consecutive years now. As the elves migrated west to the Undying Lands, we too have gladly traveled westward to be part of the eternal…the eternally nerdy that is. So, of course, when we heard that Salt Lake City would be hosting a Comic Con event and the gift of geekery would be left like a chest full of Star Coins on our doorstep, we registered quicker than Sonic runs a Shuttle Loop.

William Kircher, AKA Bifur the dwarf, was such a nice guy. It truly was a privilege meeting him.
William Kircher, AKA Bifur the dwarf, was such a nice guy. It truly was a privilege meeting him.
Why does this T-Rex have a Captain America shield? Only a Q could tell you.
Why does this T-Rex have a Captain America shield? Only a Q could tell you.

Now, let me just say, with a shake of the head and a roll of the eye, that many of our geeky acquaintances lacked the faith or foresight that Jason and I possessed when it came to Salt Lake Comic Con. They predicted that it would be lame or practically unattended. Jason and I didn’t think that that would be the case but, even if it was, we were still game. As we saw it, our support of this local event was the best way to ensure that it continued and improved. Our enthusiasm convinced others to join the ranks of unwashed goers or, perhaps, it was the thousands upon thousands of other attendees that eventually persuaded them. It’s a mystery really.

Q, played by John de Lancie, was always a favorite Star Trek character of mine. John was very intrigued by my occupation as a food scientist; we had a nice little conversation about it.
Q, played by John de Lancie, was always a favorite Star Trek character of mine. John was very intrigued by my occupation as a food scientist; we had a nice little conversation about it.

As Salt Lake Comic Con approached, the numbers registered for this convention skyrocketed. They passed 20,000, 30,000 and then, during its last day, they exceeded 70,000, a record for an inaugural regional Comic Con. That final afternoon the crowds got so massive that the fire marshal closed the doors to the convention center and wouldn’t let anyone else enter until some legions of clone troopers left. So much for those “practically unattended” predictions.

We were less than 10 rows from the state at Stan Lee's panel. He was quite energetic and animated for a ninety-year old.
We were less than 10 rows from the stage at Stan Lee’s panel. He was quite energetic and animated for a ninety-year old.
Henry Winkler was cheerful, genuine and not afraid to get close to his fans.
Henry Winkler was cheerful, genuine and not afraid to get close to his fans.

Despite those historic numbers, compared to the relentless crowds at San Diego this baby was as empty as the sandy deserts of Tatooine. You actually had room to expand your lungs on the convention floor, AKA breath. I’m not complaining though, I’m a fan of that whole inhale/exhale thing. Breathing space aside, there was plenty to see in the exhibit hall. Not so much that you felt completely overwhelmed, like at that other con, but definitely plenty to keep you drooling and ogling for hours. We bought author-signed books, artist originals, nerdy t-shirts and prop replicates. All the wishes of my little geeky heart were granted; take that Zahra!

Jeremy Rowley bought a Cobra Commander action figure while masquerading as Cobra Commander. It was quite amusing.
Jeremy Rowley bought a Cobra Commander action figure while masquerading as Cobra Commander. It was quite amusing.

The panels were, in general, not as good as those in San Diego but I went to a few that surprised me with their informative insightfulness, namely those hosted by various sci-fi and fantasy book authors. The Will Shatner and Stan Lee panels weren’t half bad either and by “not half bad” I mean that they were awesome!

We had to wait in line for over an hour to get a picture with Stan Lee but I can't complain, some stood around all afternoon for that privilege.
We had to wait in line for over an hour to get a picture with Stan Lee but I can’t complain, some stood around all afternoon for that privilege.
We're ready to believe you!
We’re ready to believe you!

Ample stars congregated at Salt Lake Comic Con. Perhaps some of these enduring personalities would have been out-gleamed by new-found heartthrobs in San Diego but in the Beehive State they were bigger than a bowl of green Jell-O: Will Shatner, William Kircher, Henry Winkler, Taimak Guarriello, Ray Park, John de Lancie, Dwight Schultz, Peter Mayhew, Kevin Sorbo, Stan Lee and David Prowse. Most of these fellows were pleasant and friendly but William Kircher, who plays Bifur in Peter Jackson’s hobbit movies, was exceptionally nice and courteous. What a gentleman and a decent human being. He has found a stalwart fan in me. Henry Winkler was also very good-natured and gracious. He wandered through his line of fans shaking hands, giving hugs and doing magic tricks.

These Simpsons costumes couldn't have been more perfect. Their attention to yellowness was impressive.
These Simpsons costumes couldn’t have been more perfect. Their attention to yellowness was impressive.
Sophie and Turnip-Head are favorite Myazaki characters of mine so I was thrilled to see them at the con.
Sophie and Turnip-Head are favorite Miyazaki characters of mine so I was thrilled to see them at the con.

The congeniality of most of the famous at the show made the one man that wasn’t agreeable stand out as even more of a jerk: Adam West, AKA 60s TV Batman. We had a chance encounter with Adam that proved him arrogant and condescending. The details of that meeting are too convoluted to relay here but I’d be happy to share them personally with anyone. Let’s just say that for someone nearly 90 years old, Adam behaved ridiculously immature. Shame on you Mr. West! A man of your age should have figured out how to show others civility and respect by now. Do you believe that being in a moderately successful TV show a million and a half years ago somehow justifies you treating people like dirt? I think not. If you can’t behave at an event like Comic Con then might I suggest that you don’t come? Oh, sorry, I forgot that you need the money.

Dwight Schultz played Lt. Barclay, a playground of neuroses, in a couple Star Trek series. He was fun to meet and teased me about shaving my hobbit feet.
Dwight Schultz played Lt. Barclay, a playground of neuroses, in a couple Star Trek series. He was fun to meet and teased me about shaving my hobbit feet.
I almost landed myself in the middle of a Kirk/Gorn battle. Shirts would have torn!
I almost landed myself in the middle of a Kirk/Gorn battle. Shirts would have torn!

Salt Lake’s Comic Con may have been smaller and less showy than San Diego’s but, as The Blob can attest, being bigger doesn’t always win you the battle. Salt Lake proved itself the quiet superhero of cons in one department: costumes. The get-ups in Salt Lake were more impressive and prevalent than in San Diego. Is it possible that the people of Salt Lake have nothing better to do than sew sequins on their Green Lantern unitards? Perhaps.

This AT-ST was definitely a one-man vehicle.
This AT-ST was definitely a one-man vehicle.

Since Jason and I didn’t have to squish our handmade outfits into a suitcase, we were all for dressing up. Although we weren’t planning on donning garments de la geek every day of the con, that’s what we ended up doing. It’s hard to resist transforming into an uber-nerd when you can smell the stench of nerdery all around you. First, Frodo and Aragorn formed a nifty companionship that could rival the Mormon missionaries. Then, Batgirl and Captain America added their muscle to the convention’s superhero white-noise. Finally, Katara and Zuko, our Avatar: The Last Airbender duo, brought elemental, and color schematic, harmony to the con’s last hours.

Ray Park, who played Darth Maul, was friendly and personable.
Ray Park, who played Darth Maul, was friendly and personable.
Taimak Guarriello was Leroy Green in The Last Dragon. We enjoyed chatting with him and posing martial-arts style.
Taimak Guarriello was Leroy Green in The Last Dragon. We enjoyed chatting with him and posing martial-arts style.

Frodo was all the rage and asked to pose halflingly for pictures often. “That guy” with him, unfortunately, was not recognized as frequently. I guess there aren’t too many Ranger fans in these parts. Katara and Zuko were nearly as popular as the shaggy-footed and were especially well-received in the teenage-boy demographic. While these outfits were awkward to wear for 6-10 hours at a time, it was gratifying to have my handiwork admired and appreciated.

The WETA booth came with an Orc.
The Weta booth came with an Orc.

Salt Lake Comic Con was a nerdy delight. Being its first time, it had some glitches but to a veteran of San Diego, where everything is chaotic lines and stacks of stinky humanity, it seemed comparatively relaxing. I’m sure the enormous number of attendees this year attracted the attention of many self-important celebrities and next year’s con will be wilder and more packed than the Mos Eisley Cantina. And, unlike Chalmun’s, at Comic Con droids are always welcome.

Great Great Basin Part II

Jason and I, ever the ready adventurers, decided that we were going to break camp early our last morning in Great Basin and leave our buddies to hike Wheeler Peak. Wheeler Peak, at 13,063 feet, is Great Basin’s tallest mountain and a mere 89 feet shy of being Nevada’s highest. For those that need a comparison closer to home, Wheeler is just 500 feet shorter than Kings Peak, Utah’s loftiest. As one would expect from a path this elevated, the trail up Wheeler leaves the timberline far behind and zigzags through massive piles of rock for the majority of its duration. The barren nature of those hillsides, in combination with the frequency of their summer afternoon thunderstorms, meant that we needed to start our nearly 9-mile journey promptly in the morning as a safety precaution. But, alas, our well-planned precautions didn’t prevent anything. Here is the woeful tale of our trek up Wheeler and my faithful account of how Mother Nature tried to give us the bird.

About a mile in, our destination still loomed far above us.
About a mile in, our destination still loomed far above us.

The appeal of hiking Wheeler Peak, for many, is the amount of bang you get for your walk. I’ve summited Kings Peak multiple times and know firsthand how three tiring days of backpacking are required to reach its craggy top. The trail to Wheeler, on the other hand, starts at about 10,000 feet and is only 8.6 miles round-trip. So for just 4-10 hours of work, depending on your speed, you can witness the world from a soaring perspective. That’s a pretty dang good deal if you ask me. It took us 6 hours, truly a bargain. Don’t let the reasonable distance convince you that conquering Wheeler is easy though for that’s certainly not the case. Gaining 3,000 feet in 4.3 miles, with most of that increase in the last 2, means ascending some extremely steep hillsides. Add terrain exclusively composed of rocks and boulders and toss in some thin air and you’ve got a recipe for exhaustion. We made it to the summit after 2 hours and 45 minutes of grueling climbing and we felt pretty good about that.

The numerous wind shelters found throughout our route hinted at just how bad the weather on Wheeler can be.
The numerous wind shelters found throughout our route hinted at just how bad the weather on Wheeler can be.
The rocky slopes heading up Wheeler all looked about the same giving the disheartening impression that, no matter how far you climbed, you hadn't moved at all.
The rocky slopes heading up Wheeler all looked about the same giving the disheartening impression that, no matter how far you climbed, you hadn’t moved at all.

The peak was sunny and beautiful when we reached it but, far off in the distance, we could see some potential storm clouds brewing so we didn’t dillydally there at the top. After a quick half-hour break for pictures and lunch, we started scurrying down those same tricky stones that we had just climbed. Only about an hour into our descent, the clouds became much more threatening as they congregated directly over our heads. Since we were still above the timberline and the highest things sticking out of the ground for miles, we were eager to reach the cover of the pines before things got any worse. That eagerness manifested itself in the closest approximation of a run that the rough terrain would allow. Our haste, it turns out, was not unwarranted. Just minutes after our earnest dash began, a blinding light about 100 yards to our left, followed immediately by a crash so loud it made our ears ring, confirmed that hurrying was an excellent idea. That bang was many, many decibels beyond any rumble either of us had ever heard before and way too close for comfort. This disturbance, of course, prompted further bolting on our part and we hurried down those rocky slopes in a panic. We rushed past the point where a few hardy trees were growing sporadically to the place where the forest became denser without incident but then all hail broke loose.

Jason carted my tripod all the way to the top just so we could take this picture together. What a trooper.
Jason carted my tripod all the way to the top just so we could take this picture together. What a trooper.
Rugged deserts, stony rises and bristly forests all spread out below us like the tiny workings of a proficient tinkerer.
Rugged deserts, stony rises and bristly forests all spread out below us like the tiny workings of a proficient tinkerer.

Right as we reached a concentration of trees thick enough for the term “wooded” to apply, rain started to fall by the bucketful so Jason and I stopped in a clump of pines to put on the emergency ponchos that I had had the foresight to bring. In front of us lay a stretching meadow that would take 10-20 minutes to traverse before the trail fell under timbered foliage again. We were standing at the edge of this pasture, reluctant to give up our newfound protection, when lightning and thunder suddenly began shaking the ground all around us. The heavens, apparently, had abruptly and arbitrarily declared a dazzling war on the mountainside we occupied.

Although we didn't stick around long to celebrate, we had a few deserved moments to savor our victory.
Although we didn’t stick around long to celebrate, we had a few deserved moments to savor our victory at the peak.
The little wind house at the summit was better than a pillow fort as far as Jason was concerned.
The little wind house at the summit was better than a pillow fort as far as Jason was concerned.

Jason and I didn’t go out into that open terrain once the blasting began, thank goodness. Instead, we cowered under the trees as enough hail to cover the world in a lumpy blanket pelted us and rain soaked us in frosty rivulets that dripped down our ponchos. And, all the while, the firestorm continued to terrify. I don’t know how to explain the dread of being bombarded by bursting flashes of electrifying light and earsplitting thunder claps. I don’t know how to convey just how loud it was because nothing else I’ve ever witnessed compares. I’d never been in the middle of a thunderstorm like this before and, now that I have, I certainly hope that it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Going up may have been physically difficult but coming down was an awkward test of coordination.
Going up may have been physically difficult but coming down was an awkward test of coordination.
I put my ankle brace on for support just minutes before we resorted to running. Good thing because I surely would have done a number on my foot as I bolted over boulders had I not been wearing that contraption.
I put my ankle brace on for support just minutes before we resorted to running. Good thing because I surely would have done a number on my foot as I bolted over boulders had I not been wearing that contraption.

We seemed to be at the storm’s epicenter, a focal point that was not only horrifying but freezing. Temperatures plummeted 20 or 30 degrees in the middle of the ruckus so, as we crouched beneath those sheltering pines like frightened wet dogs, we were chilled to the bone. Neither of us thought to look at the time during the crash-boom-bang but I’d guess that we sat there for about half an hour, long enough for violent shivering to set in and complete saturation to occur. We had made a wise choice in staying put though as we saw several strings of lightning light up the meadow we would have been sprinting through. Eventually, the commotion let up enough that we dared to pick up our sopping bodies and make a run for it.

This is where I squatted through the worst of the storm. I remember yelling, "Just stop!" many times at the sky during the tumult. It didn't seem to hear me.
This is where I squatted through the worst of the storm. I remember yelling, “Just stop!” many times at the sky during the tumult. It didn’t seem to hear me.

We darted across that meadow as fast as we could, through ankle-deep puddles and icy mud. While the refuge of an occasional tree tempted Jason, I didn’t let temporary sanctuary get between me and my end goal: getting back to the car without becoming a lightning rod. Although the skies continued to grumble, we made it to our vehicle an hour or so later without any more near misses.

As you can see, the hail was in no short supply when all was said and done.
As you can see, the hail was in no short supply when all was said and done.

We stopped at the park’s visitor center café on our way home to get a hot beverage to help thaw us out. The exchange between Jason and the café cashier pretty much sums up this whole experience. He told her that he really needed some tea for his wife because she’d almost been struck by lightning. To this the clerk just nodded sympathetically and said, “Yeah, we get that a lot.”