Romance and Snow

It’s that time of year again: the time when guys stress about how to pretend to be thoughtful and romantic.

Jas up close and personal
Jas up close and personal

Yes, Valentine’s Day is next week. Jason and I generally do some sort of double-date or group activity the Saturday before or after Valentine’s Day and have our own romantic evening on the actual holiday. This year it was my turn to plan all our Valentine’s Day activities. I invited the Rowley’s to join us for our Saturday double-date.

Jas and Rae
Jas and Rae

We went cross-country skiing at Soldier’s Hollow. It was a perfect day for this outing.

Amber and Jeremy
Amber and Jeremy

None of us had any real experience cross-country skiing but for some reason the boys decided that it was a good idea to try a black diamond trail called the Roller Coaster. As you can imagine from the name, this trail was one steep hill after another.

Jason kicks butt!
Jason kicks butt!

Cross-country skis turned out to be quite different than normal skis to control so trying to stop and turn was a challenge, especially on this crazy trail. But we had fun despite the inevitable falls and crashes.

Amber, Rae, and Jeremy
Amber, Rae, and Jeremy

After our cross-country adventure we went to our respective homes to take showers and gussy up. And then we headed to La Caille. La Caille is the French restaurant in Sandy probably known best for its expensive prices and gorgeous grounds. We had heard mixed reviews from people regarding this restaurant but since none of us had ever been there we wanted to give it a try. The grounds were extensive and looked like they would be spectacular in the summer. The building itself was like a chateau. It was unique, romantic, and interesting. I found myself staring at different details in the room throughout dinner.


The food was well presented. The appetizers and desserts we had were amazing. However, my main course was a little disappointing. It was good, but not as good as you would expect when you are paying $60 for it. However, Jason’s main course, venison, was tender and delicious. So I guess you really need to choose what you order wisely at La Caille and take recommendations from the waiting staff.

La Caille was a fun experience and I would recommend it for a special occasion romantic meal. If you do go, plan on being there all evening-it’s more like an event than a meal.

What’s So Super About Tuesday?

It was my privilege to vote today. I belong to a generation notoriously known for its lack of interest in voting, politics, or anything patriotic. It really is our only flaw, other than that we are perfect! Right?

Old Glory
Old Glory

I am glad to say that this political apathy does not apply to me.

Every time I vote, I get a little teary eyed. I am reminded that this activity, which so many of us take for granted and don’t even participate in, was one of the primary reasons this great country was formed. And it is something, many in this world, are still not allowed to do.

I am thrilled that there are actually candidates this election that I would be proud to have as leaders. Since I have been old enough to vote I have felt like I have been voting for the candidate that I disliked the least. Not one of them has triggered my enthusiasm- until now.

I hope all of you went out and voted and that you will vote in November’s election. I also hope that you will educate yourselves. That you will watch the debates, listen to the candidates, research the issues, and decide unbiased who would lead this country in the direction you would like it to go.

I hope you will not let the race, sex, or religion of the candidates sway your decision. I would love to see a woman elected president but I refuse to vote for, or against, a candidate simply because they happen to be a woman.

Along those lines, I have to say it aggravates me when I hear of voters simply checking the box to vote entirely republican or democrat. It’s an extremely lazy way of voting. Most of the people that vote this way, I have found, know very little about the candidates.

Although many people seem to believe the contrary, integrity and great leadership are not party specific. When we think about the great political figures in American history such as Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln, I doubt many of us, except for the few history geeks out there, recall what political party these people belonged to. We don’t remember because it is inconsequential. What matters is what they did for our country; their vision and initiatives. I hope you can all see beyond party lines and vote for candidates that demonstrate remarkable leadership and personal integrity, no matter what party they happen to belong to.


BTW for all of you who are aspiring history geeks: John Adams was a Federalist. Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson were Democratic-Republican, the precursor to the modern Democratic Party. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.

Another historic tidbit: while Andrew Jackson was campaigning for president his opponents started calling him a “Jackass”. He liked the term so much that he started using the donkey as his symbol. This eventually led to the Democratic Party being symbolized by the donkey.

Never Bored of Boarding

All those who are native to Utah remember the kind of winters we grew up with. Winters that never quit. Winters we were continually hit by snowstorms and drifts piled up high. We haven’t had a winter like that in over a decade…until now.

I’m toe carving!
I’m toe carving!

Our winters as of late, which have lacked any bite, were blamed on El Niño or global warming. However, no one can dispute that this year we have had a REAL Utah winter. It started out slow but by Christmas, winter meant business. In January I think we had more days with snow than days without.

Jas is awesome!
Jas is awesome!

Jason and I went snowboarding on Friday at Brighton Resort. Aaron Blakely, Jeremy Rowley, and Jeremy Sabin all joined us. We all agree that the snow that day was easily the best we had seen in a decade. Brighton had gotten around 70 inches of snow in just a few days making it a boarder’s paradise.

Rowley didn’t comb his hair.
Rowley didn’t comb his hair.

Fifteen inches of snow fell Thursday night so Friday morning there was a sheriff checking cars going up the Big Cottonwood Canyon, making sure they had chains or 4-wheel drive. Luckily the Sabin’s had kindly allowed us to borrow their truck. So we were able to continue.

Aaron post boarding
Aaron post boarding

The snow was perfect for learning new boarding skills. I have been trying to become a proficient toe carver for years now. I have had some success but on Friday I made leaps and bounds. The snow was like a wet soft pillow; it made you feel invincible. So falling was no big deal and I was willing to try anything. I’m happy to say that I can now toe carve! I’m one more powder day away from having it perfect!

Rae boarding
Rae boarding

And the snow is still not showing signs of stopping. Last night Brighton got 15 more inches of snow, giving them a base depth of 124 inches. Today and tonight promise a 100% chance of snow as well. So all you who have been thinking of skiing or boarding, now is the PERFECT time to do it. The snow is unbelievable! I’m sure Jason and I will be back out boarding again soon.